Source Code

Burn Some Calories

Used to describe a need to put forth extra effort on a task or project.

I need you to burn some calories on the TPS report this week.

by MojoX November 10, 2009

3👍 2👎

toxic calorie intake

When a person eats so much unhealthy food around others that their relationships become toxic

My friend has such a toxic calorie intake, he’s constantly leaving fast food around the house when he knows I’m fasting

by DollarTreeGuy May 30, 2021

toxic calorie intake

When a person eats so much unhealthy food around others that their relationships become toxic

My friend has such a toxic calorie intake, constantly eating and leaving fast food around when he knows I’m fasting

by DollarTreeGuy May 30, 2021

100 calorie snack

A small, but attractive or sexy man. Perhaps he wouldn’t do for your main man because he’s so small but would be a nice little snack.

“See the short guy over there? I think he’s checking you out”
“Yeah, he’s super hot. Too bad he’s so small.”
“100 calorie snack?”

by Jrhrh11 August 8, 2018

Calorie queen

A women who is fat & ugly and gay

Bro did you see how much Calorie queen arwen ate at Burger King?

by 🐮🐮 February 4, 2023

hippie calorie

One hippie calorie is equivalent to 1mg of THC.

That gummy I ate had 20 hippie calories.

by Gonads77 February 22, 2025

Calorie Cashing

when you’re broke and hungry so you compare the amount of calories in different foods to see which is the best offer.

“I’m so poor I’ve been calorie cashing all week”

by Anne Spank February 5, 2019