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a more fun and accurate way of saying kernel.

cornel mustard is wearing a bucket hat

by cornel mustard January 2, 2023


Cornel = gay

Ohhh shit he's a Cornel, kinda gay!

by Ksvin November 22, 2021


Most commonly known as Big Dick Corn, Cornel can bust anything out in less than a second. This man can give any women an orgasm just by looking at her. If you never saw a big cock trust me Cornel is the right person.

Your dick is so big, you are such a cornel

by Farael November 22, 2021

Chris Cornell

The most gorgeous, talented, and poetic person that ever had the chance to live. He rocked in Temple Of The Dog, Soundgarden, Audioslave, and had an amazing solo career. He was a living angel, now a real angel.

Nobody sings like you anymore, Chris Cornell. RIP.

by Showmehowtolive March 19, 2023

Chris Cornell

Chris Cornell is the sexiest man alive. Except he died May 18 (17th because he was found early hours on the morning of May 18th, and I mean early hours, implying that he actually died late at night on May 17th. Which makes since if you use this thing called logic. But anyways, the only reason it says may 18th when you look it up is because that's what the date was when he was found. Which is the date that was put on his death certificate. But none of that matters to me anyways because I don't believe he is actually dead so.) 2017. So now he is the sexiest man dead. Which is a weird sentence, but its true!

Chris Cornell is my favorite artist ever and I would do anything in this world to bring him back and meet him.

by yall.already.know.who.i.am.uh. March 2, 2023

Jack Cornell

Jack is someone that no one gets. He’s beautiful but quiet with the largest personality ever. Jack is so easy to love. That’s why I can’t stop loving him, and I’ll love him in every universe. Jack is beautiful, kind, and everything you could ever want. Everyone needs a Jack. You’re missing out if you don’t have one yet.

I love Jack Cornell , he makes me the happiest person.

by Bellapimentel0 September 22, 2023

Dave Cornell

The best singer-songwriter of the 2020s

Person 1: Do you listen to Dave Cornell?
Person 2: Yes! His music is amazing!

by Kai1479 April 3, 2023