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Count Music

Music you count your money to after a long day of working and hustling.

"I make count music, shit you can count out your ends to after a long day of juggin"- Young Scooter

by LTerry24 January 5, 2014

any count

It’s an Appalachian slang which basically asks if something is good or bad. For instance β€œ was that fried chicken any count? Yes it was very tasty. Or was the cornbread any count? Not really it needed more cornmeal and buttermilk

Was your fried chicken any count?

by Mydogbuttermilk November 10, 2018

20πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

count fapula

1. one who faps to girls while they sleep; a Count Fapula is characterized by bags under the eyes

2. a lecherous sub-human that faps by night, stealing precious l'eau de fap from victims

"Say, Suzanne, what's all this ectoplasmic goo on my sleeping bag?"

"Well Suzanne, it looks like you got a little visit from a Count Fapula"

by Sr.Crumplecakes October 25, 2009

51πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

counting douche

An ancient American rite of passage for the young male brosef trying to prove himself on the modern battlefield (read: bars and clubs). Counting douche has a long and rich history in the club scene and can be easily observed on any night where classes get out early.

The act involves one male (hereby referred to as the 'douche') performing a physical act against another male-generally in the form of light body checking, body slapping, or other type of immature physical contact. The douche, contrary to popular belief, is not looking to start a physical confrontation as much as he is trying to impress his bro circle and their skank squadron. Confrontation is not rare, however, and much to the delight of nearby onlookers the douche is typically thrown headfirst back into his circlejerk of friends.

The most conservative definition of counting douche requires that the douche be physically smaller than his opponent. Larger opponents may be sought out in order to achieve more 'bro cred' and choice mating rights with the skanks. If the douche is larger than his opponent then bravery (or is it stupidity?) does not come in to play; the douche is more appropriately referred to as an 'asshole.'

North America has a rich warrior history of counting coup, and counting douche is the latest iteration of this unique phenomenon.

Example 1.
Patron 1: Hey, why is that squiggly little quimby with the three popped collars making it a point to keep bumping into you?
Patron 2: Oh don't worry he's just counting douche.
Patron 1: Don't let him touch you! His axe body spray will rub off and embed into your soft skin.

Example 2.
Bro 1: Yo brah, I bet you a case of Natty Ice you too scared to start shit with Fat Larry over there.
Bro 2: Durr make sure the bitches is watching whilst I begin counting douche.

by Butterknife April 6, 2009

25πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Count Fagula

One of those annoying, spitty mouthed teenaged wannabe vampyre (vampire) kids who shop at hot topic, jet their hair and read stupid ass books like Twilight. Basically, a cross between an emo and a WANNABE goth. Usually buy a guitar and don't even play the damn thing or get a skateboard and don't even learn how to skate on it.

Fagula: I am so dark. My clothes reflect the colour of my soul... which is black.
Dude: Wank off, Count Fagula.

by Miilo November 20, 2008

88πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

G count

From the sport of paintball, in the form G(number) or if a player were to ask for a G count. The G count is the number of dead opponents. G count is used to keep communication with your team and plan out attacks to close out a game. G counts can range from 1-7 at tournaments but usually a lot more at local fields where G counts are usually off.
(see example 1)

Some times used to pinpoint an actually player as being dead.
(see example 2)

Front player: "Whats the G count?"
Back player: "G6, Back Right only"
Front player: "Alright i'm gonna bunker him"

Front player: "Snakes hot!!!! I'm pinched!"
Mid player: "Got him!"(shoots out snake player)
Mid player: "Snakes a G! Snakes a G!"

by EMENTA1 December 3, 2007

20πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Body Count

meaning 1. the number of people you have had sex with.

meaning 2. the number of people killed by a certain murderer

meaning 1:

Girl 1: OMG, have you seen that guy? I wonder what his body count is
Girl 2: IDK, probably more than 20

meaning 2:
Michael was always the quiet kid at college. No one knew that he was the right hand of the local mafia and had a body count of 53.

by i am the smartest around April 29, 2021