Source Code

Counter strike

A game made for kids who just stopped playing minecraft for 5 years. This game is a little bit on the slow side, but the overpowered guns insure for a quick death.
The weapon “skins” in the game that can be sold for real life money are found in ‘Crates’. These crates have a chance to give different rarities of skins (with a knife skin being the rarest tier.)
This game has been criticized for its “gambling websites” which allows people of any age to gamble their skins (which are worth real money) to have a chance to get a better one. It has also been criticized for its salty community.

“All these kids on Counter strike keep using those auto-snipers”

by xX_Boss_Xx December 9, 2017

Counter Strike

The worst thing to happen to humanity since Runescape. Fan Boys will play this game for hours on end while drinking bawls or Red Bull. And then will accuse everyone who beats them at it of being a hacker.

Words can't express my hate of this game.

by iwannabeanalcoholic May 17, 2005

36👍 55👎

counter strike

half-life mod (Sierra) FPS run around with guns Terrorist and Counter Terrorist forces' fight

im going home to play counter strike for 5 hours staright because im sad

by Matty (A*B) November 25, 2002

19👍 28👎

Counter Strike

1) An aging first person shooter that has all the twelve year olds of the world with access to the internet cussing one another with words that they do not understand and a "l33t" language that noone, not even themselves understand. Often a game that people with very little taste in games play.

2) To physically strike a counter.

1)OMFG. H4X0Rs RuLeZed. L33t rul3z.

2) *Bang*

by You can use a pseudonym June 23, 2004

24👍 39👎


Counter-Strike is the game where if you are able to kill somebody, you must be a hacker.

*Pro kills n00b with a headshot from Desert Eagle*
Pro: Just because I killed you doesn't mean that I'm a hacker... Maybe you should just learn to play Counter-Strike properly?
*Admin bans Pro*

by teh_reaperer September 30, 2006

10👍 13👎

counter strike

F.A.G.Fucking awesome game. Best level: Assault_lith.

*Dead*P@cifist-fucking campers
*Dead*Other Player-Your mom's a camper
*Dead*P@cifist-kill yourself

by Yourmom March 9, 2005

23👍 36👎

counter strike

FPS game for people with shitty computers. Almost all of the players buy AWPs and kill other AWPers and teamwork is nonexistant. Wooooooo......

God damn awp bitch.....kill you with my KNIFE!

by lpmofo September 2, 2003

26👍 44👎