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some days chicken some days feathers

Sometimes you up, which is when you'd have a chicken, you know a whole bird, you full and some days feathers, you down, ain't got shit but the part you can't eat, still hungry

Hey how's it going?
You know, some days chicken some days feathers

by Coloredwrong August 24, 2023


Software that is written so poorly that it must be changed very frequently in order for it to fulfill its intended purpose.

Man, I had to change that day-to-day-ware code several times a day to keep it running!

by s2theg January 20, 2008

the day after fed day

after fed day is another fury hurt day though this one allows all kinds of hurting even physical harm as in jokes i do not wana see blood so as long as no blood u can hit all u want! as a joke if u do really hit make sure u have consent!
rules if ur a furry:
do not block if on twitter or discord
do not nut
do not say uwu or owo for the rest of the day

the day after fed day is defined as: "U N WORD DIE *PUNCH* omg so sorry dont bleed will help!"

by Sir. twinkle bottom December 20, 2020