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darawiish community

darawiish community are the dhulbahante

its the darawiish community

by readyforthemoon55 July 30, 2020

darawiish love

Darawiish love refers to mutual affection with the SSC-Khatumo community

they showed their darawiish love

by Bobbystrurrew May 16, 2023

darawiish flag

The darawiish flag is any of the assortment of flags used by the dhulbahante community, i.e. NSUM, Khaatumo etc.

thats a darawiish flag

by readyforthemoon55 July 13, 2020

darawiish feudalism

Darawiish feudalism is a social stratification proposed form governance in SSC-Khatumo, largely rejected by the overall SSC-Khatumo community

he proposed darawiish feudalism, which was roundly rejected

by Bobbystrurrew May 16, 2023

gabar darawiish

A gabar darawiish is a dhulbahante girl

they're gabar darawiish

by readyforthemoon55 June 18, 2020

darawiish qabiil

the darawiish qabiil is the dhulbahante

they're the darawiish qabiil

by readyforthemoon55 August 2, 2020

darawiish society

the darawiish society refers to members of the SSC-Khatumo community

they headed of to darawiish society

by Bobbystrurrew May 16, 2023