If a Karen became the daytime manager of some coin-op carwash or self-storage place and creeped on everyone with the cctv cameras, she or he would be a Dick Faced Ronald.
Ugh!!! There go Dick Faced Ronald runnin' up to go check his camera every time I pull up to vacuum my car. I can hear you breathing on the intercom!
When a man has a resting bitch face, instead of calling it resting bitch face, its a resting dick face, or an RDF
Dan has such a resting dick face.
a grimace girls usually do when they see a dick pic.
girl chilling on her phone
*dic pic sent*
she make a dick face.
When someone is being a jerk, another word is a dick face.
“You dick face!”
Dick face is what you call people when someone is being a cunt
a dick face is someone who has the head of their dick. he is tall and has a huge head, and a hole in the top of their head. cream can come out of their hole and flood the earth. thats how the world will end.
you dick face, your gonna end the world