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First off, let me say this doen't apply to all fans of One Direction. People shouldn't be judged because there was no way they could have possibly known about 1D. The Directionators are those young, bratty, newbie fans.You know which ones are them. It just pisses us, Directioners, off because these brats make 1D's image awful to other people. Example:

Friend: "You like 1D? Isn't that for like immature, bratty, little girls?

We still want D to suceeed because we love them, we're not being possesive, we just don't like to see all our dedication go to waste. I mean. I don't want my 9 year old sister wanting to go to a 1D concert with me.(If I ever did go.) I mean, really? I just think they're too good, to go to waste like that.

How To Spot A Directionator:
-They always think of themselves of Directioners.
-They have only been fans since WMYB was released & became popular.
-They think WMYB was 1D's first song.
-They spell the guys name's wrong and such.Simple mistakes as a newbie. (i.e. Henry likes girls who eat carrots. Zain has a pigeon named Stevin.)
-I agree, they think they're better than the original fans of 1D, the ones who have been fans since the beginning on the X Factor.
-They hate on the boy's current girlfriends.
-Usually around the ages of 7 to 14

*Some of their comments*

The "Prisses"-Ohh Em Gee! You Knoww That New Band One Direction?Yah I Discoverd Them Backk In 2011. Did You See How Cutee Zainn looks in that neww WMYB video? I Heard That He's Afraidd Of Spoons.

The "Carrots For Brains"-I like Lewie. Whose that blonde kid in all the videos? With the ugly teeth?

The "Unable to Accept The Fact My GirlFriend Left Me For 1D"- They're gay.

These Directionators need to either be preached 1D or b-slapped. I suggest the latter.

by Nialler's Neverending Stomach March 24, 2012

210๐Ÿ‘ 120๐Ÿ‘Ž


Directionism is a religion in which you have an extreme and utter love for ONE DIRECTION, HARRY STYLES, LOUIS TOMMLINSON, NIALL HORAN, LIAM PAYNE and ZAYN MALIK. We pray to the harry prayer candle but don't buy it because we too broke. A directioner's day consists of listening to music and songs of the above named, Thinking One direction, Watching youtube clips of the above named and Praying that they will get back together.

1st dude- Woah dude why won't she date me?
2nd dude- Bro she is a directioner.

1st person- What religion are you?
2nd person- directionism

by 3_bananas_for_a_euro November 26, 2020


A word used by Directioners (A.K.A: 9-17 year old teenyboppers) who are so stupid and shallow that they can't appreciate their own fandom and believe that anyone who doesn't obsess and/or stalk the 'band' One Direction isn't a 'real fan'. They often accuse them of pronouncing/spelling people's names wrong, forgetting a line from the odd song or not knowing every detail of the member's lives.
In reality, very, very few of these people exist. Most of them are either already idiotic, psychotic fans or have been driven away by the fanbase's stupidity (thank god).

Fan #1: OMG I LOVE 1D!
Fan #2: OMG ME TOO!!!!11!!!
Fan #1: OMG OMG WHO'S UR FAVE!!!??
Fan #1: OMGZZZZ I WILL CUT YOU DIRECTIONATOR BITCH!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111111!

by Common Sense Kid June 26, 2013

39๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž


A Girl or sometimes Boy who is Dedicated to One Direction. They live, Breathe, Love One Direction. They bow to the Amzing 5 Sex Gods. They do get emotional, Angry, Happy, and to some cases, Laughs uncontrolably, and for no reason. Most are know as "Directionigga(s)" They are also known to be better than Beliebers.

You can tell that girl is a Directioner because she ran away from a spoon.

Boy:Is that girl calling that pigeon "Kevin"? Girl: Yep, shes definetley a Directioner.

If your threatened by a carrot, shes a Directioner. And you better run.

by Mrs.1D April 28, 2012

68๐Ÿ‘ 36๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person with absolutely no clue on one direction, but delude themselves in thinking they "Love them"

e.g. "I payed 100 dollars for one of their tickets, I'm their biggest fan!" - this is a directionator

by kane p1234 April 29, 2012

79๐Ÿ‘ 44๐Ÿ‘Ž


Any fan of the British/Irish boy band, One Direction.
Note: that there are very bad/rude people, and then there are decent human beings. Do not think that because you met some bullshit people who call themselves Directioners that every Directioner is like that. I call the bad ones bullshit Directioners. You don't have to, but I'd just thought I'd mention that.

Age range: ~8 - ~25 (based on the youngest and oldest I've met and/or heard of)

Qualities needed to become a Directioner:

โ— Listen to their music and not hate them
โ— That's it.

Qualities not needed to become a Directioner.

โ— Like every song, worship them
โ— Know everyone's names, have all the merchandise
โ— Run a blog about them, have them as your screensaver, etc.
โ— Literally everything else, and if someone says you're not a Directioner because you haven't done some of these things, they're a bullshit Directioner, and you should ditch them like immediately.

Most of the Directioners I have personally met were nice. Now I have not met a lot of Directioners, so do not take my word for it. I also feel that the Directioners, who do not talk often about One Direction, are nicer. That is not always true, though.

Directioners: I like the band One Direction.
Non-directioner: I don't really like their music
Decent Directioner: Okay, that's fine.

by yes i am a directioner ok November 30, 2013

17๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


the people who have been with One Directioner from the beginning. the ones who know their first song was Torn at the judges house, not WMYB on the radio. The ones who refuse to use spoons and live big red buses. Whenever we see a pigeon we scream KEVIN. the ones who protest with jimmy. the ones that cant wait for thee larry stylnison wedding. the ones who support there gayness with each other. we are the ones who love them for their sexual behavior and actions and not just their looks. the ones who supported the before they appeared on nick and the radio. the ones who worship becky sales for running on stage. the ones who have been in this fandom thorugh the bra throwing , the tapon throwing, ballet dance moves, irish jigs, video diaries and more.

girl: Ive loved one direction since the x factor
girl 2: damn you must be a hard core directioner.

by larrystylinson463573569 March 19, 2012

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