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9mm Discount

To obtain an item for free by way of jamming a handgun in the owner's face.

"How did you pay for that TV?"
"I took the 9mm Discount."

by OccamsChainsaw September 19, 2011

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discount felcher

Being paid to felch and then spit all of the depositor's material back into his mouth, but instead of performing the service, the felcher swallows most of the said material.

Boy, that gray-haired dude from Long Island's in a heap of trouble; that gay bartender wants his head for being a discount felcher.

by Half Full September 3, 2010

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Citizen's Discount

-noun: a form of shoplifting in which:
1: an item's price tag is replaced with the price tag of a less expensive item, or
2: an item is lifted during the legitimate purchase of other (usually very inexpensive) items, thus avoiding suspicion

I went down to Wally World and got my citizen's discount at the self checkout line.

by Rude Raven May 6, 2008

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hindu discount

After spend hours with an east indian family who are buying things for their home you give them the total of 12,000 dollars, to which they reply "I will give you 2000". So all the time you spent with them is not wasted you knock off a hundred or two dollars off the total to make the sale.

After spending all afternoon with them I finally had to give them a Hindu Discount just to make the sale.

by Randy Smith October 11, 2007

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discount fuck

A person that looks like someone you wanted to fuck, back in the day, but couldn't

I got my Discount Fuck, when I fucked that bitch/ass, that looked like the girl/guy wanted to in H.S.

by Sandtrap Couillard April 2, 2023

Police discount

Commonly given by a company or place of business to the men and women in law enforcement, EMS, and firefighters
i.e first responders
As a thank you for the service they do.

Officer can I get your $2 doughnuts

Cashier that will be a $1 with your police discount

by TheJew2k September 25, 2019

Discount Baby

/n/ A baby born on or near a day with a annual discount.

List of days a discount baby may occur:
Beginning of September
End of December
And the beginning of every month.

by Razorclaw the crab April 22, 2020