A sick and twisted person who loves the smell of their own farts so much, that they enjoy diving under the sheets after farting in bed only to get a good whiff.
After secretly watching my wife pull the sheets over her head after farting, I popped out of the closet and yelled "SHEET DIVER".
Someone who farts in the tub and bites the bubbles
Every time my little brother takes a bath the little durf diver. Farts and. Eats the bubbles.
N.inmate or fellow jackass who insists on penitrating your anal cavity with a shank.
N.butt pirate that uses a homemade sword to enter a male/female anal region.
That Sleepy Eye is going to be one happy shank diver for you.
Taking a shit with absolutely no splash
I dropped a Chinese diver off at the pool if you know what I mean.
Negative emotion resulting from engaging in felatio with a female only to find some kind of genital anomoly including, but not limited to : warts, sores, scabs, etc.
Warren did.t know who she was, but she was so hot. He took her back to his dorm room to get busy only to get hit with a sever case of Diver's Remorse upon discovery of active herpes lesions!
person who competes in the strange British sport of swimming in bogs- participants also known as "peat bog divers"
Despite the peat, the bog divers pressed forward and finally completed the race, drenched in bits of vegetable matter.
To thrust ones penis into a sea anemone
Phillip chose to be an anemone diver and thrusted his penis deep into the tentacles of his stinging sea anemone. He received horrific stings to his genitalia and is now the talk of the ER.
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