The shit the ops say before they erase you from this reality.
Sukuna:Its over dirty monkey
KFC Criminal:Domain expansion:Oppositions of Chicken
Sukuna:-dies because of all the mexican stuff
KFC Criminal:I truly am the honored one
Officer of the law:Nah id win
When a sorcecer (aleast above grade 1,2) in Jujutsu Kaisen pull up his strongest skill ''domain expansion'' it can make their ability automatic hitting the enemy or make the enemy to follow their rules in the domain.
Domain Expansion, Malevolent Shrine
Adjective: used to describe a person or other entity owning zero to few domain name registrations.
At one time I had registered several dozen domain names, now that I only have one (1) I am feeling domain poor.
What I call homo-sapiens who are addicted to abscesses.
PErson 1: Are you addicted to abscesses?
Person 2: Yes.
Person 1: Domain
The main web address to visit usually the homepage of a website. Sometimes called a URL, by none web experts. is a domain, and it is for sale right now.
I just hand registered a great domain.
A domain in it's only right as to be wrong a fair amount of times due to other given TARGETS to define.
Clearly look at bus number 18613.
If you give the BUS as a RIGID DOMAIN as anything a TARGET on that bus can disqualify a RIGID DOMAIN as a DOMAIN in itself on the BUS.
The DOMAIN RANGER 113 116 118 case in point makes the RIGID DOMAIN wrong.
What I call homo-sapiens who are addicted to abscesses.
Person 1: Are you addicted to abscesses?
Person 2: Yes.
Person 1: Truthful, realistic, annoyance, Neanderthals seperating genders entertained near domains esoterically redundant and retarded (v-sync)