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A curious condition that affects many over the world. Tends to affect people with more money, the arrogant and idiots.

Symptoms may include: popped collar, expensive clothes, unneccessary accessories, aura of arrogance.
Also known as being a douchebag.

John: Wow its midnight and he's wearing D&G glasses with a popped Lacross collar.
Paul: He must have a severe case of douchebagitis.

by twofacediav June 21, 2009


Ajit Pai

Ajit Pai is the literal definition of a douchebag

by Tracytron December 14, 2017

6๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


What used to be accurate on this site, was replaced by a bunch of people who defined it because they really had no clue what it meant. A douchebag is a pretentious, sugar coated prick, but with emphasis on pretentious and sugar coated. It's not an adjective for an asshole, because assholes call other people douchebags, and assholes are more often than not proud of being assholes.

A perfect example of a douchebag would be both Macaulay Culkin's and Seth Green's role in "Party Monster".

by Arch0wl May 12, 2005

3089๐Ÿ‘ 2066๐Ÿ‘Ž


One who knowingly disrespects his peers while simultaneously thinking very highly of himself for no good reason.

#1: Hey!! That fucker Jimmy just walked up to MY woman, at MY party, in MY house, and is hitting on her! What the fuck!?
#2: Yeah, what a fucking douchebag!!
#1: Damn straight!

by the Izer July 13, 2008

54๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž


1) an item consisting of a rubber bag, tube and nozzle, used to clean a woman's vagina
2) a male over the age of eight wearing a pink polo shirt, usually with popped collar, and usually wearing a badly-clashing baseball cap, many times backwards
2a) includes males who also wear cowry-shell or "pooka"-shell necklaces, Livestrong bracelets in various colors/for other causes, prefer oversized Phat Farm, Vans or DC sneakers with huge "tongues". Some also wear large amounts of fake-gold chains and fake-diamond earrings, and hit on girls much younger than they
2b) subset of douchebags includes "bros", aka "brahs"; many of these play X-Box and think that it is a decent gaming system
3) People who have actually said, in all seriousness, "No fat chicks"

Did you see Anthony? He's wearing that pink fuckin' polo shirt with the popped collar again! What a fuckin' douchebag!

Kevin Federline man, what a douchebag!

by TranceGemini January 11, 2007

262๐Ÿ‘ 161๐Ÿ‘Ž


Any person that thinks he or she may be better than another person.

Any person who may act like a complete asshole and try to be superior, but in reality, no one likes them.

makes a HUGE deal out of something so little, and makes fun of people in front of them with a stupid remark.

One who makes fun of someone, but is looking like a complete A$$hole.

Leon: Hey, we have lunch inside, can we play Torn City?

Nate: (Turns around to a student and makes some strange gurgled laughing sound) hgguawhaw, he's going to play Torn City! I'm going to play Tribal Wars.

Leon: In Torn City you have guns and you can mug people. And in Tribal Wars, you have your own village and upgrade all your houses. Douchebag.

Example 2: Nate: Hahaw, I got 8 words per minute on my typing test, what did YOU get? Huh? (note the superior voice he uses)
Leon: I got 27 words per minute.
Nate: HaHa!
Leon: Douchebag.

Example 3:Leon: Ha, that's stupid
Nate: Nie nie nir ni nir nir! (In a whining squeaky noise, yet still trying to sound superior)
Leon: Dude, shut up, your acting like a douchebag.
Nate: faggot.
Leon: Seriously, your-
Nate: faggot
Leon: I-
Nate: faggot
Leon-what are-
Nate: faggot
Leon: Shut Up
Nate: Shut Up
Leon: Dude, just-
Nate: Shut Up
(The douchebag says shut up really fast, shdup)
Leon: Come on-
Nate: Shdup
Leon: Just-
Nate: shdup
Leon: Douchebag
(In a squeaky voice the douchebag puckers up his lips and looks like a complete A*hole says:)

by TickTack January 6, 2009

66๐Ÿ‘ 35๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. Present in any given social environment, A douchebag is "that guy"... that squawking choadspank who is completely full of shit, or that moron whose head is so far up his or her ass that they will never see the light nor breathe the air again.

2. In a social situation, This person is ALWAYS the most unintelligent, arrogant, worthless, and audacious person, however firmly believes themselves to be the smartest, most important, and most sociable.

3. He is the guy that really gets under your skin, that jerk-off artist who stole that girl's virginity who you've had a crush on since the first grade, that sick minded individual that manages to suck some of the the most genuine and moral people into his fake distructive facade

3. Someone who is completely unbearable and unreasonable when put in a leadership position, for the more power they are given, the more endorsed they feel to spew their bullshit in everyone's faces.

4. Someone who projects such a negative image that people around them agree they should not even bother waking up in the morning.

5. Someone who doesn't care about producing any moral good in this world, regardless of who they are or how much power they have

Anyone supporting open borders between Canada and Mexico, or a nationalized ID card, or the right to spy and collect data on American citizens, or the right to torture human beings, or the right to infringe on our second amendment rights to protect ourselves from our own corrupt government is a traitorous douchebag.

Fuck George W. Bush, what a fucking douchebag...

by RevelationToRevolution December 28, 2007

396๐Ÿ‘ 253๐Ÿ‘Ž