A big dumb waddling walrus of a dog or any other fat lazy stupid creature.
Look at that Bumblin' Dumpy stumblin' over everything.
A Hispanic descent female with a fat ass
Damn! Look at that dumpy Latina named Angie!
An alphy dumpy is someone who's face looks completely morphed or mutated.
Ronnie-hey man, did you see see that guy over there?
Jeff-yeah dude hes an alphy dumpy
(UK Slang) Rough anal sex performed by gay men.
Auntie Lee got suspended from his job as a steward after being heard in the toilet having a bit of rumpy-dumpy with one of the passengers by almost everyone on the flight. He's been a mummy's boy on jobseeker's ever since.
1. the act of having sex with someone shortly before ending a relationship. Also known as "loving an leaving" or "goodbye sex".
2. Figurine, statue, or plus character of a bear in a Humpty Dumpty suit
1. I gave her the good ol' humpy dumpy since the relationship was in the toilet anyway.
2. I bought the cutest little Humpy Dumpy figurine online today.
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Dumpster Details
Giving your BFF the name and contact details of the guy you are going to meet up with off the internet. So they know where to go when you end up dead in a dumpster in the morning.
Annie, Im meeting that Karl bloke of Badoo tonight!!!…thought I had better give you dumpy deets!
The act of getting a blow job on the toilet, while taking a crap.
blow job crap shit sex toilet
You won't believe the flumpy dumpy I got earlier!