When you always make things about you. It has become a modern buzz word for narcissistic women who are transparently projecting their own delusion that they have some exceptional power to feel and sense the emotions of others. while it seems that every woman you meet is a self described empath, the reality is that only 16% of the population has any quantifiable empathy levels above average, and yes it can be reliably tested for it. Furthermore, empathy is not a useful personality trait. In personal relationships, it can cloud your judgment and your ability to give advice or be of assistance to a friend in need. Worse yet is it’s inability to be applied to any large scale decision making. People literally cannot feel empathy for more than a couple of people at a time, generally three. Any tragedy greater than three people is generally of no differing consequence to someone of extremely high empathy. They simply short-circuit. They are useless at population management, political policy, as they try and personalize everything and get emotionally sidetracked with issues that affect all populations. They won’t flip a switch redirecting a train so that it only kills five people in a work zone, instead of slamming into a pact train station killing hundreds. -a example of one of the thought experiments done to test peoples ethical decision making. Empaths always fail, causing disastrous hypothetical results.
“I’m really sorry that my mother passing away makes you so upset Bridget, let me leave the funeral and come make sure you are OK, I know it must be hard having so much empathy.”
Made up bullshit fellacy cooked up by the government to make me not feel bad not for having.
Fuck your empathy and your dead cousin too! Can't make my ass feel bad that your grandma can't walk anymore.
Some mother fucker: yo my grandma can't walk anymore! Lady week my cousin died too! I'm so sad and genuinely fucked up.
Me: cool story bro, but that empathy shit don't work on me! Eat ass.
No. No. That’s not what it was.
Hym “No. It was self pity. Not because of the insult but because I am right. And he knows it. It was not empathy. And no. I don’t lose if I shoot your kids in the face. That’s how I can win. Damn... I was right about EVERYTHING. Every single utterance. That is wild. I’m the rightest man who has ever lived.”
CORRECT Hodge twins! Very good! I explained that 8 years ago!
Hym "Yessir! My thing on empathy is correct! Perfect conceptualization of things! Woooo!"
Inanimate Object Empathy Disorder (IOED) is an armchair-psychological designation for people who experience extreme amounts of empathy for inanimate objects -- specifically objects that depict living things that appear damaged or distressed.
IOED describes someone who experiences legitimate feelings towards objects that appear as if they deserve sympathy, support, and even help as if they were animate beings. However, because these objects are not actually living beings, these impulses to care for, help, and support are misplaced. Hence the disorder designation.
If someone if your life continually says things like "awwwww.... that poor x" where x is more often than not a stuffed animal with a missing ear or a tear in its fabric, then that person in your life suffers from IOED.
Using the term Inanimate Object Empathy Disorder (IOED) in context: Because my wife has IOED, when she found 2 stuffed animals on the road, disheveled, she felt a burning desire to "save" them and "nurse them back to health" in our home. Now, thanks to her IOED, we have a new shelf in our family room with "recovering" stuffed animals on it that fill her heart with joy every day.
2👍 1👎
To share and understand feelings with botanical life, it is especially strong during time of extreme circumstances in which a plant may go through, such as withering away or being stressed out.
My aloe plant started to wither away due to stress, and my botanic empathy made me start to wither away as well, on the inside.
Hym "Ultra-Omega Psychology Genius! That entire segment about selective empathy is downstream from my thing! How am I THIS GOOD at everything!? I have to have like 1 million citations at this point. Wait, is it 937 kills or is it 937 PhDs? Assists? No, that would suck. 937 isn't a lot of assists...So, it's gotta be PhDs. 937 PhDs! The single greatest psychologizer in the history of humanity!"