Source Code

tri-hump-ful entry

achieving penetration into the three most common sexual orifices of a woman in one day. oral, anal, vaginal.

Rich: "hey man, what'd you do last night?"
Eric: "i was so productive last night, I accomplished one of my lifes goals"
Rich: "oh yeah, was it the white dragon?
Eric: "no it was even better, i achieved tri-hump-ful entry"
Rich: "you lucky dog"

by kkid January 7, 2010

1๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Your entry is under review by editors.

We're making sure your shit isn't completely tarded...

Your entry is under review by editors.

Word: tarded

Definition: The bras at the Sig Ep frat bras.

Example: "Those Sig Eps are tarded bra!"

Tags: Frats, Frateternities, Sig Eps, Metal Disabilitries, Bras

Your pseudonym: Delta Delta Tau Bra, bra!

Your email: deltataubraatgmail.com

by dah Bodawg December 25, 2010

125๐Ÿ‘ 50๐Ÿ‘Ž

Who the fuck keeps removing dictionary entries?


I did it.

by Chodeser February 7, 2003

136๐Ÿ‘ 44๐Ÿ‘Ž

Dusky (admin: replace previous entry,thanks)

An appreciative western term for a woman of south asian descent with a distinctive skin tone. While sometimes interchanged with nubian, ebony or mulatta, delimitation from these ought to be enouraged due to the marked difference of their skin.

Similar in concept to a mulatta but with a more darkly orange lustre / tint, strictly dark eyes and black hair, wavy or straight rarely, if ever curly.

Note: latina ought not to be classed as dusky because latinas are strictly south american.

Examples include: Pratyusha Pilla, Sharon Muthu, Melinda Shankar, Asha Saini.

"That girl is one fine Dusky (admin: replace previous entry,thanks)"

by TheOtherMckenna January 4, 2021

Thanks! We've sent you an email, but we need to make sure your email works. Click the link in your email and your entry will be reviewed soon.

Something I see after I send a definition to UD.

"Thanks! We've sent you an email, but we need to make sure your email works. Click the link in your email and your entry will be reviewed soon."


by Thanks! We've sent you an em April 4, 2013

The Invention Of A Very Long Phrase In Order To Achieve Recognition On A Renowned Lexicographically Based Web Site With The Sole Intention Of Satisfying Ones Desire To Submit Potentially The Longest Entry

Consequently what I have accomplished by the submission of this article. Please, read on. The satirical example below is entirely for your enjoyment.

- You know what really is a waste of valuable time and proof that you have no life to speak of?
- No, but now I'm curious, enlighten me.
- The Invention Of A Very Long Phrase In Order To Achieve Recognition On A Renowned Lexicographically Based Web Site With The Sole Intention Of Satisfying Ones Desire To Submit Potentially The Longest Entry.
- You're right. Anyone who would do that is nought but a despondent pariah; a social outcast; an antisocial recluse; an awkward shit you might say.

by Thomas Leone October 18, 2009

94๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž

Just entry ok

Annoying and claims he is a 5'8 PG, will do anything for mod

Person: hi just entry ok
Entry: yis

by 9183747 November 22, 2020