A cheap additional web browser packaged with select AOL (see shit) deals that never works. In addition to never working, it will always pop up 1 to 28 error reports, along with its IM counterpart.
Me: I got it to work once surprisingly, maybe it was feeling generous. Either way, it's pissing me off, why doesn't ever work.
Some dude: You're plan is dumb, it's an AOL Explorer.
31👍 9👎
See shit. Only function in life to be used to Download a new Browser & OS.
"I have to go take an IE."
109👍 42👎
1. a browser based on ancient techbology
2. aside from downloading {firefox} the only thing it's good for is testing webpages
1. when was the last time they updated IE? the 30s?
2. I have to make sure my webpages work in IE because there are alot of idiots
95👍 36👎
1. A fap explorer is simply one who explores, whilist fapping. A fap explorer has his mind open to all the things sexual. One minute he can be jacking off to my little pony, then switch to porn focused on ass, then go jack to gay porn at another time.
2. Someone who lowers the standards of their porn fetishes and/or want to see them in a different noun or style, and decides to explore the internet to find it.
Nomal Wanker :Dude whats your favorite type of porn?
Fap Explorer : I 'm a Fap Explorer, about everything is fine to me, but i dont check out anything related to torture porn or bdsm.
Normal Wanker: So you jack off to little kids you autistic fuck?
Fap Explorer I also dont fap to anything illegal you dumb cunt.
Exploring the closet. It means that you have not came out of the closet, meaning that you have not come out yet. It means that you’re not quite on the closet, nor out of it. You’re lookig for the door that may just be behind you. In short, it means that you think you’re straight but you may just be gay without knowing so.
Dude, is he in or out of the closet?
I don’t know, HEY ARR YOU GAY?
He gives off that vibe that he’s in the closet...
He’s probably just exploring the closet.
The route to hell used to install a browser,
I was using internet explorer, its this piece of crap I had to use to install Firefox from
Sorry, this definition is still loading.
Internet Explorer: Sorry, this example is still loading.