Synonymous with fuckin’ or freakin’, versions of friggin’ have been used for over half a century primarily popularized within the urban Italian-American and Irish-American communities of the northeastern region of the United States. This word is used not in place of but interchangeably with fuckin’. My mom smacked me in the face for saying friggin’ so it ain’t soft.
I got a friggin’ cop on my ass.
Synonymous with fuckin’ or freakin’, versions of friggin’ have been used for over half a century primarily popularized within the urban Italian-American and Irish-American communities of the northeastern region of the United States. This word is used not in place of but interchangeably with fuckin’. My mom smacked me in the face for saying friggin’ so it ain’t soft.
I got a friggin’ cop on my ass.
Synonymous with fuckin’ or freakin’, versions of friggin’ have been used for over half a century primarily popularized within the urban Italian-American and Irish-American communities of the northeastern region of the United States. This word is used not in place of but interchangeably with fuckin’. My mom smacked me in the face for saying friggin’ so it ain’t soft.
I got a friggin’ cop on my ass.
To masturbate with a semi
I had to brutally wank that out by friggin’ the twig
frickin and gosh because you can curse but youre a child
maRIE; no step the friggin up kyle no step the frig up
1. When a female is masturbating.
2. A way to say messing around (possibly deriving from the term Fucking Around)
3. Sexual intercourse (Fucking)
Friggin in the riggin! There's fuck all else to do.
a word you can not say in front of your college tutor because apparently it is swearing when it is not it means the word fuck that you can use in front of your parents without them knowing you are swearing
the definition of friggin is defined as another word used for fucking your boyfriend or for masturbation