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A member of a gang. "Gangsters" refers back to the 1920s during Prohibition era when alcohol was illegal. Gangsters would bootleg alcohol to be sold at speakeasies. In the 21st century, the new term is "Gangsta," which is really a person, usually a lower-middle class or poor African-American male, who dons the title to intimidate others. Often in the right situations "gangstas" are the first to run away in scenarios that they claim to always see.


Mary: Did you see that gangster film?
John: "Scarface?" Yeah, that's a classic!


Travis: Hey, yo! I'm a true gangsta! I own a gun and have been capped.

by Mistress Anarchy April 10, 2009

11๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


When someone or something got destroyed in a way where only someone or something truly gangster could be responsible.

Person #1: Did you see the video of the guy that got his arm torn off by an attack dog?
Person #2: Yeah. He got gangstered.

(the dog was gangster).

by AlleMuligeTing July 11, 2019


A person who is a part of a larger "gang" who believes smoking weed, doing drugs, murdering people, and breaking the law is cool and thug, they should think about that once they are in jail.

"If I had bad diarrhea, and i raised that diarrhea as my own child, and if I beat it, and that little piece of shit dropped out of high school, then it would become a modern day Gangster. I would rather stick my dick into a ceiling fan" -Franku Senpai, Future King of the Web.

by mikey661 September 12, 2013


There's two kinds in the modern world:

The cool ones with Italian accents, Tommy Guns and Tuxedos/Suits. (Deceased, but proud of them existing)

The really stupid ones that walk around like Gorillas wearing saggy pants, do-rags, and carrying Handguns, AK-47's, Machine guns, doing Graffiti, Crack, Meth, Heroin, Weed, and are stupid enough to hate racism, yet cause racism.

15 year old boy: "Um, hello?"

30 year old Gangsta: "Wazzup white trash, Bleach Stain, Cracka? da fuck ya doin here??"

Boy: "Nothing, dude"

Gangsta: "Dun be callin' me dude, muthafucka, I'll kill ya!" -bang bang-

Bloodz, Cripz, MS-13, Norteneo, Sureneo, are examples of Modern day gangs that terrorize the streets of innocent people and are proud of their acts of Murder, Violence, and whatever the fuck you wanna add.

Stupid assholes who love to kill babies, women, children and older people, who would like to kill anyone who is not their color, and just love being ignorant. School is dead to them, and they are proud to support that.

Teacher: "Ok, will anyone tell me what the answer is to number one? William?"

Gangster: "Nu-Uh nigga, my name be Trekka, so fuck dis shit, fuck you, FUCK YOU ALL, HAHA, I hope you gon' die, cuz educashun is stupid, got dat? SCHOOL ISH STUPID, FUCKIN' NIGGA CRACKA ASS WHITE TEACHA, Fuck dis place"

Teacher: "....Uh-huh."

Shit-stains like these should be erased from the planet.

Bloodz Cripz MS-13 Norteneo Sureneo Gangster

by TheLast1Alive July 9, 2010

14๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž


Someone who makes most of, if not all their living, off of illegal activity. They sell drugs, guns, treat women like a sexual aid rather than a real person, kill people, and try to worm their way into the private business sector as much as possible. Why you would look up to someone who kills people for his own benefit as cool and a role modle, I have no fucking idea. Not to be confused with a gangsta, which is basically a teenaged loser who thinks that smoking pot or bringing his switch blade in to show all his loser friends will somehow make him as horrible a monster as, say, a Colombian drug lord.

You listen to music that promotes killing and drug dealing, yet you bitch about the CIA and their whole Crack controversy, and you protest wars. Fucking, ignorant, dumbass.

by C-can February 3, 2004

65๐Ÿ‘ 54๐Ÿ‘Ž


the thing you can never be because, one you're looking up ganster on the computer, and two you looked it up spelling it
g-a-n-g-s-t-e-r instead of g-a-n-g-s-t-a

wtf you dont know what a gangster is

that guy is in no way a gangster

by Menyae Shoemaker March 31, 2009

37๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž


modernly, a white person who says he/she is "gangster". modern gangster words are like Word,G,Waddup,Poppin,Bounce,Fo Shizzle,Son

Person A: How are you?
Gangster B: Word up.
Person A: Are you okay?
Gangster B: Fo shizzel
Person A: Sure about that?
Gangster B: Yeah, son!
Gangster B: I gotta bounce though,G.
Gangster B: I need me some fly ladies that get it poppin.

by Gangsterr =] November 20, 2006

141๐Ÿ‘ 131๐Ÿ‘Ž