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glamour shit

Taking a photo while during a bowel movement, properly timed this produces a relaxed facial expression similar to those achieved by a glamour shot

Bronson looks very peaceful in his most recent glamour shit.

by Dome ass March 13, 2019

baby deener glamour puss

Young genius scallywag lite footed man

Oh no...baby deener glamour puss is stuck in a tree!

by Didrah November 18, 2020

pussy glamoured

When males (or females) become awe/dumbstruck by intense direct eye contact by a usually beautiful woman. This is usually followed by helpless and stupefied behavior on the part of the one who has been pussy glamoured. The male version of being "dicknitized"

There's no saving him, he's been pussy glamoured. That woman can pussy glamour her way into anything! I got pussy glamoured last night, saw my card this morning…

by Kermit the Sage January 25, 2015

garage glamour

Garage Glamour is a rocker's fashion website. They also have an advice page where you can get advice on your boyfriend and all that stuff.

1; Have you heard of Garage Glamour?
2; Yeah but I've never been to it.

by japanjukuuu August 8, 2006

Glamour pov

Lavishly adorned with simple pre-loved household items

She wore a glamour pov number featuring a nanna nightie embelished with hand embroided doiles, finished with a pre-loved table cloth wrap.

by MC Seize 2 Amaze October 31, 2009