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hardcore dancing

Hardcore dancing is the white/ scene kids way of krump dance.

i was hardcore dancing with al my scene friend.

by ahhITStoby February 10, 2008

9๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž


Practicing your fighting moves at invisible enemies who seemed to be everywhere at an emo concert.

I was watching the band play but some punkass went crazy around me and did some Akuma spin kick on me.Those fucking hardcore dancers!

by Sonny D February 14, 2005

20๐Ÿ‘ 37๐Ÿ‘Ž

hardcore dancing

is a style of dancing that modern teenagers do. moshers are jealous because there are more of us then there are of them. and i'm a fucking girl. i've been hit so many times by hardcore dancers, it's not safe by any means, but we dont sit around and bitch when you faggots come to our venues and our shows and do your bullshit. moshers on the other hand decided their dancing is to get shitfaced drunk and slam into each other repeatedly...where the fuck is the skill in that? i honestly think moshers are jealous because the majority of the dancers are decent looking while they are greasy, nasty, disgusting and will never have the opportunity to get laid. so, keep talking shit...we know how it really is. oh, and we listen to shit like heavyheavy lowlow, the acacia strain, all shall perish, white chapel, stick to your guns, gwen stacy, cattle decapitation...oh, but those dont count as metal bands because some of their songs aren't all about ripping babies out of wombs and eating them? fuck you. i'd like to see you faggots tell the members of those bands they're not metal. hey, if we're the pussies, how come you fuckers just stand at the edge while us "crack head skinny dancers" are in the pit and you never try to get in? i'm going to say because you're the fucking pussies because you fucking know you're outnumbered. moshing is dead, deal with it. our shit takes skill, strength and practice. moshers just cant face the fact we rule the pits and we look better doing it, too. we earned our fucking right to be at these shows while you fat fucks are going to die of obsetity in the next 5 years. lose some fucking weight and maybe you'll be able to do something other than bullshit everyone into thinking you're more metal than us.
dancers vs moshers. you motherfuckers asked for this war. but it's funny that we all go to the same shows to see the same fucking bands, but we're not metal, right?
so, moshers here's a big fuck you from my crew in dallas, texas...suck a fucking dick.

mosher 1# "ohhh, im wasted, you stand on that side and i'll stand over here and then we're going to run into each other until one of us falls down. kay?"
Mosher 2# "okay, i'm too big of a dick sucker to go hardcore dancing."
hardcore dancer = "wow, that's really fucking awesome...fucking douche bags."

by bailey strange January 10, 2009

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Hardcore Dancing

Ok, I always had a nagging suspicion that emos and "hardcore" kids (emos with spiked hair who curse a lot) were pathetic faggots, but when I saw hardcore dancing for the first time, my preconceptions were confirmed. Hardcore dancing consists of some 90-pound little twat with greasy black hair flailing his limbs around, punching and kicking the air. Though annoying, pathetic, and downright retarded, it is a suitable method of dancing to emo and "hardcore" music, as the music takes no talent to create and sounds like a pack of whining retards, so the dancing should be similar. Hardcore dancing is a disgrace to moshing. You can say metal is a thing of the past all you want, because it doesn't make the present trends (such as emo) suck any less. Fags.

Hardcore dancing is another reason why the emo and "hardcore" scene should be extinguished forever.

by Chernorizets Hrabr December 21, 2004

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hardcore dancing

Dancing or simply moshing, is an expression of the audience's emotional response to Hardcore music. Not just a dance but a social device. People can relate to people who share common enjoyment of the dance. Some hardcore kids look down on those who dance like crap. Some don't dance but hate mosh which is different from dancing in the respect that it is done in the crowd, generally with the intention of injuring spectators or those who are being disrespectful to the music, band, scene etc. Scnene kids are considered to be an abonination of the true hardcore scene in that they only show up to shows to be "trendy" and have no affiliation with music and are obsessed with being "Brootal". Some just like the fashion, whatever. anyways...Getting hurt is just something that happens at hardcore shows,during the dance. two stepping, floor punches, windmills, and spin kicks are common. so are broken noses, bruises, bloddy lips and sometimes broken bones. actually, this is bad def. of hardcore dancing and is basically an overview of hardcore in general. ha ha enjoy?

breaking shit, punching posers, hardfelt lyrics. kicking holes in the walls. throwing elbows, twosteppin your ass off. Respect, Friends, Family, Forever.

Ex.) Hardcore dancing is kinda a stupid word to describe it, try the word "Mosh". not like Butt Metall Monkey Moshing though, it's different, it's better. It involves skill.

by Bob Boyk May 7, 2008

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Hardcore Dancing

A combination of the mosh pit and soul train. In which a circle is formed as if to pit but instead is used to dance in.

Hardcore is an inferior bastardization of metal and Hardcore Dancing is an inferior bastardization of the pit.

by landamo November 1, 2004

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Hardcore Dancing

Hardcore Dancing is an art, requiring, skill, talent, and good balance. To throw a spinkick into someone who's dancing like an asshole to teach them a lesson, or mule kick the twat that shouldn't be standing on the edge of the pit.. cartwheels, backflips off the stage, windmills, and picking up change. These are all things your average drunk college student tough guy TRIES to do when going into a pit at a random show he happen to be getting drunk at the bar at. Well, he's in for it, if the people dancing don't take too kindly to his retarted drunken antics. Granted it will probably start a fight, but he should have known better, even in the inebriated state hes in... and he probably won't feel the bashing until the morning, but his friends can tell him "dude, you got the shit kicked outta you last night"
What is really shitty, are these people with the false pretense that "hardcore dancing" is just running around in a circle, flailing your arms, and punching random people. It's people like these that would get their asses handed to them in a pit in New York. Side Note: Don't come near the pit with beer. Certain people, recently have had very good luck dropping numerous beers out of other peoples hands with pit opening kicks... trust me, it's never fun to have to clean the floor.

If you want to see a true display of the art known as "dancing" at shows, come out to N.Y. I will guarantee it'll change your whole outlook.

Picture a really heavy breakdown, or even just BEATdown, and a bunch of kids swinging, and kicking.. and then picture yourself catching a shoe to the face.. or better yet, the shoe flying off and heading straight for your head. YES, it has happened to me! I think I'd rather catch just the shoe, because it hurts alot more when the foot is still in it. haha

by Bizza April 15, 2005

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