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Hot girl summer

Bein a hoe.

Can’t wait to have a hot girl summer

by The_offender April 7, 2021

424πŸ‘ 312πŸ‘Ž

Hot Girl Summer

Hot Girl Summer-A term unspokenly used as a description for hoe shit. A hoe's anthem. The continued psuedo legacy of hoe culture. All this other stuff about being "unapologetically you" and not being a "fuck ass hoe", IS bullshit. Cuz bitches neverrr like to admit to doing anything that will get harshly judged. But FUCK EM. This is the RED PILL DEFINITION!Hot Girl Summer = Ratchetness Γ— 10

Hot Girl Summer girllll I'm fuckin him tonight!

by Anti-Idiot December 17, 2019

587πŸ‘ 476πŸ‘Ž

Hot Girl Summer

An excuse for young women to have sexual relations with many partners thus earning them a spot in β€œthe streets.”

She a damn hoe if she be doin’ that hot girl summer.

by GNK.Monkey69 July 6, 2020

93πŸ‘ 67πŸ‘Ž

Hot girl summer

An excuse to be a fuck ass hoe during the summer and let a key open your lock over and over till you’re ran through like a banner at a Highschool football game.

It’s hot girl summer lets go cheat on our mans!!

by Wiggy Γ¦ June 25, 2020

1417πŸ‘ 1241πŸ‘Ž

hot girl summer

girls being hoes and calling it body positivity so they don’t get called a hoe

bitch is hot girl summer
nah you just a hoe

by buckwheatoncrack March 10, 2021

74πŸ‘ 58πŸ‘Ž

Hot Girl Summer

Something hoes say for attention. Or something hoes say when they think they're hot but really they built like a trash can

Hot Girl Summer girls smell like the sea

by pre.ium June 29, 2020

53πŸ‘ 39πŸ‘Ž

hot girl personality

Women who do not interact authentically in conversation based how attractive they think they are in relation to the person they are conversing with. They rely on generic platitudes as a means of minimal effort and offer no real substance.

Joe: Josh did you talk to Vanessa
Josh: I talked to Vanessa but it wasn't worth it because she has hot girl personality.

by YeetingYetimaster October 26, 2022