(1) Appeared on Saneter Studios bringing the reveloutionary idea/ argument that the sperm is not the spirit. (2) She who embodies hip hop, the divine feminine, and complex thought in the form of writing/poetic expression.
Impress Divinity expresses the importance of the divine feminine and imparative agression against "pick me" women.
To go to the toilet to specifically take a crap. It's another way to say it like "dropping the kids off at the pool". It means doing a number two.
"After eating 3 bean burritos, I really needed to make a second impression."
"Don't go in there, I just made a really big second impression."
The defining moment in a relationship in which a person decides if there going to stay in the relationship. This includes work relationships in which a manager decides to keep that person on or throw them out. Even if that moment is only Physically a few seconds, in the brain it may last an eternity. That second impression can happen at any moment in life, while under great stress, while in great fear, or happiness.
2: The split second after Rejection or Affirmation. The impression we get from how a person handles rejection or congradulation. Do they jump for joy, weep in fear, low in drepression or disappointment, Scream in anger.
It was during Jill Second Impression that made her believe she could stay with john for the rest of her life and all eternity...
have you ever be bored so you started typing a sentence only to find this and be impressed you found this in urban dictionary today?
have you ever be bored so you started typing a sentence only to find this and be impressed you found this in urban dictionary today?
well im really impressed
heres a present: .-- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Evoking admiration through size, quality, or skill; grand, imposing, or awesome.
Hit artist Tipex's new release is poes impressive.
When you're on talking terms with someone and they randomly ghost you.
Guy 1: Hey, you still talking to Chelsea?
Guy 2: Nah, she decided to do her Danny Phantom Impression
Guy 1: Oh man, that sucks. Isn't this like the third time this month?
Guy 2: Yea, it's been exhausting tbh.
n. - the human deceased state shortly after death in which the rigid yet soft, pinkish disposition resembles a hot dog.
If Louie fucks with Chuckles he'll be doing a hot dog impression by dawn.