An idiot or a super silly chicken nugget
You are ugly so you’re an Inappropriate Weasel
Where you always get ill at holiday time
Alix, "It's carnival and I feel like shit!"
Sara, "Of course, you've got inappropriate illness syndrome."
When Khazra ragequits from Empyrean for being muted for 100 years.
Astrazar: ?mute @Khazra 300y
Khazra: *ragequits*
Astrazar: Inappropriate ragequit
When you don’t clean your rear end. Don’t be a douche-douche! You can at least make sure one end is clean.
When we went to town- I heard he caught a case of inappropriate logging.
My savior Ben Shapiro responding to a Tranny
Zoe: You cut that out now or you will go home in a ambulance
Ben: That seems mildly inappropriate for a political discussion