A lisp is commonly understood as a speech impediment. However, there are people out there who cannot differentiate lisp and lips
Choc Princess: Baby Baby Baby... look lips!!
Caramel Baby: Its LISP :)
How pirateth thpeak.
Person 1: Cute lisp
Person 2: I have a lithp? Arrrr!! Arrrr!! Avatht, mateyth!! Thwab the pool deck!!
A shpeech impediment where your eshesh either shound like "sh" "th" or you just can't shay it :0
"Pleash shtop mocking my lishp (Lisp)"
How pirateth thpeak.
Person 1: You have a lisp.
Person 2: I have a lithp? Arrrr. Arrrr. Avatht mateyth. Thwab the pool deck.
When something is so good that when you try to talk about it you start messing up your pronunciations.
It’s so good she got all lisp about it
When you fart but it sounds different and spits everywhere.
Taco Bell gave me an anal lisp. I'm no analyst but I'll bet it was the sand.