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Low IQ manlet

A mental midget and exceptionally pea-brained manlet. Known for drowning in puddles and shot glasses in addition to requiring emergency rescue after being pinned down under knocked over garden gnomes following unsuccessful mating attempts that the diminutive and deviant little manlet boy shamefully yet amusingly engaged in due to his extensive history of brutal rejections by the universality of womenfolk (as is customary for all manlets), the both mentally and physically stunted low IQ manlet is prone to manlet rage and can often be found locked in mortifying catfights with other low IQ manlets over the last magic height boosting suppository that the silly manlets bought online. Highly susceptible to manlet cope and manlet mathematics, the injudicious low IQ manlet can at times be detected as he stumbles past the manlet pit in your local gym wearing nothing but high heels poorly concealed by bell bottom leggings in a vain attempt at lifting with the manmores for once in his lamentably lowly little life.

Petite sissy manlet: I have finally overcome manletism! I measured myself and I just grew by half a foot! Formidable manmore: Lol, you're still wearing your six inch high heels, you low IQ manlet. Now spare me the hissy fit, stop crying and grow up!

by ManletDepreciator August 26, 2024

midwife manlet

The midwife manlet is an inherently effeminate, dwarfishly diminutive and laughably lowly little manlet boy who ineffectively assists women in childbirth by immediately passing out as soon as the delivery begins, before then being repeatedly dipped into a small cup of povidone-iodine solution and used as a surgical rag by one of the attending grown-up medical professionals during the course of the parturition. After the procedure is completed, the gory and severely stunted sleeping sissy midwife manlet is usually thrown out with the rest of the biomedical waste or briefly stored in a doggy bag to be later fed to one of the nurses' hungry chihuahuas as a bite-sized snack. The life of a midwife manlet is short, just like the girlish midwife manlet herself.

Manmore doctor 1: Hey, what's that rustling in the biomedical waste dumpster over there? Manmore doctor 2: It's probably just a trashed midwife manlet. I'll just pee into the dumpster real quick and then we can go play some golf! Manmore doctor 1: The dumpster must be like a cathedral to that preposterously petite runt of a pipsqueak prison wife manlet princess. Manmore doctor 2: Manlets rise up!

by ManletDepreciator September 29, 2024

Bagel Boss Manlet

Representing the pint-sized personification of manlet rage and standing shockingly small at 5 foot nothing, Chris "Bagel Boss" Morgan rose to short-lived infamy when he threw a hissy fit extraordinaire at a Long Island Bagel Boss in 2019. After falsely claiming that the friendly female cashier had smirked at his comically dwarfed height, Chris "Sissy Manlet" Morgan was recorded by amused onlookers as he was instantly overwhelmed by manlet rage and went on a childish tirade, furiously ranting about how women (understandably) hate him due to his sensationally stunted stature and egregiously evident Napoleon complex. Subsequently to being asked by a much taller customer to calm down and grow up, the rageaholic turbo-manlet petulantly proclaimed: "Shut your mouth! You're not God, or my father, or my boss!" - only to then transform into a tiny, little hamster when a heroic manmore made short work of the midget monstrosity and tackled him. Helpful height enthusiasts later found his now defunct YouTube channel featuring many similar videos which triggered an escalating series of well-deserved trolling sagas, eventually culminating in the Bagel Boss Manlet being cut down to size (more so than he naturally was) and thereby stopped short of realizing his delusional dream of following in the microscopic footsteps of ill-famed celebrity turbo-manlets such as Tiny Tom Cruise and Kevin "Homunculus" Hart by becoming just another high heels wearing comic relief Hollywood Oompa Loompa manlet.

Materialistic manlet: WHERE THE FUCK ARE MY HIGH HEELS?! Manmore: Cease your manletspeak and don't go Bagel Boss Manlet on me. Here, bounce around on this stress ball and dry your tiny tears with this tampon, you silly, little manlet boy.

by ManletDepreciator September 18, 2024

murderous manlet

The murderous manlet is an outrageously overcompensating, grotesquely gnomish and severely stunted sexy sissy manlet (a dwarfed male shorter than 5ft10) who has childishly channeled his short man's syndrome-induced manlet rage into the pursuit and furtherance of criminal endeavors, which he is forced to conduct by the cowardly use of dwarfish manipulation tactics as he is obviously far too short to ever be looked up to as real man and a leader. The 5ft2 turbo-manlet Charles Milles Maddox "Manlet Boy" Manson, a misanthropic manlet and myopic manlet par excellence, learned the consequences of this lowly behavior the hard way when he was brutally bullied and turned into a prison wife manlet by the manmores of the Aryan Brotherhood prison gang while incarcerated in the early 1970's after brainwashing his feeble-minded cult followers into committing an escalating series of violent crimes in California in the late 1960's and early 1970's, culminating in the horrific Tate murders on the night of August 8, 1969. Remember kids, say no to drugs, never trust a manlet and height is a choice!

Bagel Boss Manlet: Shut your mouth! You're not God, or my father, or my boss! Towering manmore: Lol, don't go all murderous manlet on me, you silly, little midget boy! What's wrong? Did your mommy drop your pacifier? Hahahahaha!

by ManletDepreciator September 26, 2024

meddling manlet

A quarrelsome and small-minded manlet who is prone to ineffectively inserting himself into grown-up issues and conversations in a futile attempt at feeling like a big boy for once in his dwarfish life and despite the fact that grown-up subject matter goes right over his pea-brained, little head. 1978, Maryland State Delegate and absolute manlet Isaiah Dixon who hilariously tried to legislatively ban the playing of Randy Newman's musical masterpiece Short People on the radio is a good example of this phenomenon, as well as disgraced video game producer and miserable manlet boy Tiny Todd Howard who, because of his effeminate petiteness and overpowering Napoleon complex, has childishly ruined many video games with his transparent and preposterous tall tales.

Lol, why is that squealing manlet stuck headfirst in that trashcan over there? The meddling manlet tried to stop a group of children from riding that roller coaster because he was denied entrance due to his girlish height, so the kids threw him in the trash where he belongs. The trashcan must be like an aircraft hangar to that microscopic manlet boy. Hahahahaha!

by ManletDepreciator August 14, 2024