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After The Flash: Mirage

Shitting RP game. The admins are corrupt and ban people with little evidence so they look like their good at their job.

Guy 1 : I play After The Flash: Mirage on Roblox

Guy 2 : Fuck you

by FuckYou_StopLookingAtMyName February 20, 2021

6👍 10👎

the warm mirage

the warm mirage is a phenomenon describing how civilizations in warmer environments, despite having less intelligent individuals, initially outperform those in colder environments due to greater access to resources, fertile land, and milder conditions. however, over time, colder civilizations surpass them as they gradually learn to better exploit their available resources.

Person 1: If people further from the equator are so superior, then how come civilizations in warmer climates initially outperformed them?

Person 2: Ah, that's just the warm mirage.

by zkint February 25, 2025

1👍 1👎

Mitsubishi Mirage

Probably the crappiest and most dangerous car out there. It’s a pile of shit made by a crappy Japanese car company.

One crash in this thing and you’re dead. It’s a death trap.

There’s a reason why it’s called the Mitsubishi Mirage. Everything about this car is absolutely junk, and, it’s just a Mirage… Duh. Are you surprised?

It’s a pile of trash with the mirage of being an actual vehicle. That’s why the gangstas at Mitsubishi called it a Mirage. Don’t you get it?

by Gothic Miscreant February 22, 2024

mitsubishi mirage

Is a small ladys car that gay men have started too use too drive too work and gay events like anal fisting and docking parties.
Alot of these cars are used for paedophiles too commute too school yards.
If you see a mirage driver call police

Mitsubishi Mirage Too drive like a special kind or retard.

by Shellshocker0123 January 15, 2018

2👍 20👎

charge mirage

When you leave your phone on charge but forget to turn the plug on if your plug has a switch

I had a charge mirage last night now I’m on 0%.

by MrMeaty69 March 28, 2018

Charge mirage

When you leave your phone on charge but forget to turn your plug on (if you have one)

I had a charge mirage last night now I’m on 0%.

by MrMeaty69 March 28, 2018

Message Mirage

When you think you just saw your Blackberry or smartphone flash (the result of a message) in your peripheral vision, so you go check your phone but to your surprise, it was just a message mirage.

Dude after I sent that risky text I was so happy to see my phone blinking, but turns out it was just a damn message mirage.

by KravingYou February 11, 2011