owo is a short way to say rail me
when you come home and see your husband and want to get railed you say owo in stead of rail me
it is a monster forged from the depths of tartarus
owo is a word that disgraces the english lanaguge
a word that every fucking twitch thot would use to scam you of money
streamer: owo whats this a new sub you could do better then that
Normally uwu/owo is when stupid role-players bring the role-play to far ,kids being dumb, just memeing,uwu gacha cats, or furries
OwO what's this *Notices your bulge* owo sempi I've been bad Punish me~
an exclamation of sexual satisfaction
"OwO be gentle daddy"
she said as her mans was hitting it from the back
signifies performing oral sex on a man without using a condom.
Sarah: What did you and brad do last night?!
mellisa: OwO
sarah: oh my goodness 😳
not always used for sexual purposes, just a cute lil cat face
o: eyes
w: mouth
how people think it's used:
1: "owo what's this?" *notices your bulgy wulgy*
2: "o_o"
how it's actually used:
1: "hello"
2: "hewwo! owo"