Another word for extremely gay or a super-fag.
Man 1: that dude is such an ocho.
Man 2: You mean the super gay dude overthere?
Man 1: Ocho
Winning a game with of Leis with 8 tops
We just got naked lapped and they ochoed is.
The most legit gang in the Almaden Valley.
The Ochos run on Duce and Trey 7 all day long because they're nothing but L to the 7 SQUARES. It's what's good in the A.V. cuz. The only way out of ochos is in box. OCHOS 4 LYFE, WE RIDE TOGETHER WE DIE TOGETHER.
Dude, you better rep the ochos sign or they'll mistake you for a duce and you'll get dropped.
Dude, you better stop repping that ochos sign or you'll get dropped.
When you know you aren’t making par, so you count when you start putting and miraculously make a birdie.
Yeah, you got a double. Somehow I got an eagle on the par 3. Must’ve used Ocho Counting on that.
When you know you aren’t going to make par, so you begin counting when you pull out your putter.
Yeah, you made double bogey on that? No, I made an albatross on this par 3. Must’ve used Ocho Counting.