When an Asthmatic Person starts having breathing difficulties do too the presence of perfume in the area
Oh no Jessie is having another perfume attack I wonder if it’s a coordinated attack
When you fart in a room/car/lift and it clings to anyone nearby, meaning that when they leave the area it still in their clothes and gets smelt by somone else
Have you farted??
Nah mate, just got out of Dave's corsa, like a perfum shop in there
When a female sprays too much perfume
Damn girl you sprayed too much of that kitty perfume
A corpse, one that has been dead long enough to produce a scent.
"Hey, I hear they found a bad perfume!"
"Woah, how long has it been dead?"
"Like 3 days maybe?"
When the smell of weed travels threw the bag
The fresh cut weed perfume-ate straight threw the bag
Terry said “Did you get a whiff of that? They smell of Jamaican perfume.”
Fragrance that makes you smell good. Some people use this to go on a date or just if they smell bad and want to smell good
Man you’re stinky!
Really?! I should put on someone perfume