A person(s) who takes a photo of their entrée at dinner at a restaurant before they eat it and posts it to social media. Generally the person makes everyone else wait until they take their photo to eat.
Jill: Beth can we eat yet, we are hungry?
Beth: wait, I gotta get a photo of my steak dinner for my insta.
Jill: you're such an annoying food photographer, no one cares!
A Walmart Photographer is a person who buys a beginner DSLR camera (Canon, Nikon, Sony, etc...) from Walmart, Best Buy, Amazon, etc... and calls themselves a professional photographer with the lack of talent.
Karen: DM me for photography rates!
A hobbyist: Where did you your camera?
Karen: Oh, from walmart! It's a Canon t3i (a beginner camera)
A hobbyist: "Fucking Karen thinks she's a professional cuz she has a camera! She's a god damn walmart photographer!"
a person who takes pictures
(and it sounds cool)
She's such a good photographizer!
one who takes photos using a camera. not to be confused with :
a good photographer
a professional photographer
"That chimpanzee was taught to take photos on an iPhone. He's a photographer."
"...but the photos are shit."
"I didn't say he was a good photographer."
sksksksk i just got this new camera im sOOOOoOOOOOoOOo much better than those vsco girls and i oop- *sips starbucks coffee using metal straw* im a photographer now sksksksksk
Oh Narjess, you take good photos, what an amazing photographer you are
Commonly known for being the local sports photographer for Reedley High and other local sports teams. Also a commonly known casual photographer.
Robert: Dude did you see what Jan just posted on his website?
Phillip: Who's Jan?
Robert: The Reedley photographer headass, the one who takes our soccer pictures.
Phillip: Oh, that Jan.