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Prestige City

Prestige City is a new residential luxury township. prestigecity.gen.in

Prestige City Sarjapur prestigecity.gen.in

by prestigecity June 23, 2021


Taking an edible then getting buzzed and drinking a monster

Ash: dude I’m bouta do a prestige
Gracie: you’re gonna be maddd baked

by xp_St0rMz September 19, 2022


when they often say no to a request to go out since they usually think they are above everyone else.
(mostly used on girls)

james: hows it going with sophie
charlie: nah she’s too prestige

by cratreqw July 3, 2021


He's friends with kanosan and others. He's in 5D

hi prestige

by kramig_prestige July 1, 2020

Involuntary prestige

When you get far in a game, then somehow lose all your progress.

Me: Oh shit
Not My Drug Dealer: What?
Me: My Minecraft just involuntary prestiged
Not My Drug Dealer: That sucks man

by iliketoshitmypants69 June 24, 2020