Pron •
a person(s), society or socially
- filth, liar, cheater, garbage, dweller, worst of the worst, last to be trusted, people who cause suffering or harm, ill, manipulator, thieves etc.
The pron of society will face their judgement in the end!
Not only that we’re human, it will be impossible to rid the world of proms, because there will always be those that are stronger or choose to judge as lesser and those that feel the need to be superior!
Something relaxing and fun for the family
Little sis mom can we watch pron with dad and big brother
When you search porn with one hand while the other is holding your male genitals,that 40% of the times it goes wrong,making you feel triggered and making you to have to search with the hand that you were using to grab the genitals,making it disgusting as fuck
Victim of Pron: *searches porn with one hand while the other is holding his male genitals*
Search bar: big tiddies goth gf pron
Victim: s0n oF a B1TcH