Source Code

Proud Villain

A polite way to call someone an asshole.

"What a proud villain!"

by A. Lunis May 30, 2017

Proud Owner

Any customer who purchases something that is non refundable.

"That guy is a proud owner"

by Mark January 19, 2004

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loud and proud

the act of running into an enemy infested area on any First person shooter, (or occasionally and RPG game)

to do this you throw all your grenades, or use your magic missiles, then run in using melee, and close range automatic weapons.

almost always ends in death....

similar to a zurg rush

STEVE: dude, go loud and proud on them little cheesebuggas!
JESSE: no way yo! i dont wanna get pwned by the little piglets!

by FAST Lane July 30, 2006

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Proud American

1. One who loves fast food, 200 lbs. toddlers, and road rage.

2. One who loves fireworks, beer, shotguns, and trailer parks.

3. Any combination of 1 and 2.

1. A proud American went to McDonalds.
2. The proud American walked out of his double-wide and shot some beer cans off his fence from his pick-up.
3. A proud American couple took their obese child to McDonalds, putting him in the bed to level the weight out.

by Cynical Douche Bag June 26, 2011

19๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

proud to be australian

proud to be Australian is a little sentence used by Australians. the stupidest thing that has ever been said by anyone. why would anyone be proud to be that. you all hate your own creations: such as the company holden. you all prefer to drive ford which is true American and whats even worse is that there is a little bit of rivalry between the two countries. the hate in your hip hop scene is unbelievable. your all Australian get along! but the worse one is racism. back in the day you came here and took the land from aboriginals and then you created the stolen generation program to wipe out all the aboriginals. tell me what person has the sort of mind to even think of that. that is probably the most mental thing I have ever seen in my life. getting rid of a culture, was it because their dicks are bigger? or was because their skin was darker? then you finally stopped picking on them in the 90's. I would really hate to be an Australian. sure every country had their own fights between black and white but it didn't end in the 90's

Bazza: im so proud to be Australian, true blue aussie.

joe: why would you be proud to be one of those.
bazza: true blue mate, straya for life. why wouldn't you be proud.
joe: because you cockheads wanted to kill a whole culture.

by proud not to be australian September 14, 2013

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journey proud

Becoming constipated while traveling away from home and all the conveniences of your own toilet.

That's right Sana, Aunt Mildred is all stopped up. She always becomes journey proud when she is on the road traveling for a few days.

by BigDMac December 7, 2006

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Loud and Proud

To fart very loudly and be proud of it.Usually done in public places or with friends.

A:I did loud and proud in elevator, too bad guys didn't have good sense of humor =(

by id HouseMix December 15, 2009

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