A rando is a unknown man who does not know that he is a Mexican and ISN’T rascist
That rando is very scary. That rando is very sexy.
a random or strange person who does random and strange things.
jae: did you see the new guy in our year?
nina: omg mark? yeah, he’s such a rando. he asked me if i put ketchup on my ice cream.
Word derived from the word random meaning some random person within a story
It doesn't refer to one's gender or age
I was talking to my girlfriend today and we were talking about some shit... then some rando butts into our conversation and we yelled ... " get the fuck outta here "..... "were we talking to you??"..... Damn rando
A name or description given to a random person.
1. Oh my god. Look at Rando over there hitting on that chick.
2. I was sitting on the side of the road when some rando came up beside me and sat down.
when someone just shows up where you are at, and it seems random, but really they knew you would be there
so-and-so cruising into the club is semi-rando, because he knows thats where i hang every thursday
A 24 year old man that for some strange reason is on a group full of 14 year old children and Private messages them because he is a pedo
Omg there is a rando Steve on our group
A promiscuous male who is adept at seducing random females, aka 'randos.' Prefers flings, one night stands, etc., to romancing a singular subject.
(Nightclub, Saturday, 1:07am)
Bill: "Yo Vance, where did Tommy run off to?"
Vance: "Tommy? He left with that smokin' hot redhead, they took off in a taxi. That guy! I tell ya, he's a real Rando Commando!