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Dan Reynolds

Absolute lad, rate cool in all and has the swag and is mega strong.

He’s such an alpha, I wanna be a Dan Reynolds!

by 1 Dan December 20, 2019

6πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Reynold's Wrap

1) Paranoid delusional
2) An unsubstantiated conspiracy theory.
See tinfoil hat

Bob was really Reynold's Wrap before they upped his meds.
Don't tell me you really believe that Reynold's Wrap!

by John in Iowa June 19, 2005

5πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Burt Reynolds

When you give someone a Hot Carl, cut out a strip in the plastic wrap so that the person's upper lip will be exposed. After you shit on the person, remove the plastic wrap and they will be left with a Burt Reynolds mustache. For advanced Hot Carlist, you can try a Freestyle Burt Reynolds. This is where you try to place a big fat turd on the upper lip without the help of the plastic warp.

Yo, dude! He just placed a big ass Burt Reynolds on that chick.

by bokeypunk October 18, 2006

29πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž

Ryan Reynolds

One of the sexiest men on the planet. Not only because of his flawless appearance, but because of his sweet and hilarious persona, as well as his amazing talent.

Ryan Reynolds is America's Jessica Alba.

by ryan's sexy, yup September 11, 2009

419πŸ‘ 697πŸ‘Ž

Burnt Reynolds

Not your typical sunburn; a burn only felt by suave motherfuckers, hence the Burt Reynolds namesake. Tom Selleck, whom I'm sure sported a Burnt Reynolds on more than one occasion during the filming of Magnum P.I., could also work as a namesake, but doesn't rhyme with burn in any conceivable way.

Common amongst those of Italian/Latino/Pacific Islander other olive complections, whom are chronic tanners and/or surfers.

Doesn't show the red of a normal burn because the person is too tan already. Once they have reached their deepest tan, it's the condition just slightly beyond this.

Symptoms; extreme dark tan, slightly crispy texture, with a little extra heat; see "afterburn" but never appearing as a haole red burn; see "lobster face"

Commonly occurs after long surfing sessions in the tropics. Or overtanning by Guidos.

Brah this Indo boat trip has got me straight up Burnt Reynolds... I don't know if my skin can take another 8 hour surf session tomorrow...

by NYGuido January 30, 2011

14πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

Carter Reynolds

A 19-year-old asshole who used to be a part of Magcon and doesn't know what "NO" means. He dated Maggie Lindemann and a video went viral of Carter trying to force her to give him a blow job.

Carter Reynolds is a HUGE douchebag!

by Espinosagirl101 February 14, 2016

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Ryan Reynolds

(n.) the HOTTEST man alive

Ryan Reynolds is soooo cute

by imboredandyouSlay January 21, 2023

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