Roma’s love has no end when it comes to Brett.
Her heart is his.
It is like a dragon that will slay down any obstacle that comes its way.
She has seen many types of love in many far away lands but nothing will ever or has ever come close to her love for him.
If given the chance, she will keep his heart safe for eternity.
“Roma’s love for Brett” is defined as forever.
Roma loves Brett always and forever.
It is true love.
Roma’s heart is big, strong and powerful.
It means in Roman,”Go roma go!” As roma fans chant it when they are spectating the match.
daje roma daje
Literally the whole olimpic stadium: DAJE ROMA DAJE
A person from neither country who obsesses over both Romanian and Japanese culture, often to an unhealthy extent, like running around with a katana while biting people.
Tom: Man, this guy just came up and bit me while waving a mall katana around.
Jeffrey: Must me a roma-weeb, like Nagoriyuki from Guilty Gear.
Another word meaning romanity. (Please see the definition of romanity).
'Embrace your Romaness for it's utmost sacred.'
a game from chowder that involves no winning
its bad luck not to say the whole name
how many times do i have to say there is no winning in Field Tournament Style Up and Down on the Ground Manja Flanja Blanja Banja Ishka Bibble Babble Flabble Doma Roma Floma Boma Jingle-Jangle Every-Angle Brickabracka Flacka-stacka Two-ton Rerun Free-for-all Big Ball.
A funny and a bit annoying ad on YouTube. It's a meme cuz the hilarious sentence said by MikeShowSha
MikeShowSha: E ovviamente ho scelto Roma!
Roma Shah is a intelligent person that is small and feisty. Roma Shah's are really short. They may be short but they are feisty and tough. Roma Shah's are extremely smart and intelligent people. All Roma Shah's are great friends, but they may occasionally threaten to kill you they are an amazing friend you will never forget.
Wow! She is so smart and tiny she is totally a Roma Shah