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runescape has to be thee most bastarding addictive online game in the world. i began playing it a couple years back and it soon became my life. all i did was eat, occasionally sleep and play runescape. i lost contact with my friends & family. my family began calling me a recluse because i never left the house except to go to school. my friends began to think i was scared to leave the house or something, that i had mental problems, when all alone it was the addictiveness of that game.
i was only free of the game when my computer broke for over a month and i was no longer able to play the game.. i know steer clear of that game as much as possible!!

runescape is full of little teenage boys who have obviously not discoverd porn yet, and they go around thinking they are big hard men becuase they have a combat level of 100+. there are now over a hundred different servers/worlds to play in as thousands of people all over the world love to play it. its pathetic and im ashamed to say i played the game, even though it has to be one of the best ideas ever..

so i both love and hate Jagex for their fantastic and mind destroying game..

Bob: you playing runescape again?

Bob's Girlfriend: yes, i need to get my fishing level to 100, sorry but you wont be having sex for a couple of weeks. ive only got time for 2hrs sleep and a couple of meals a week.

Bob: fine *sighs*

by Bob's Girlfriend April 16, 2007

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A game that was sent by the all mighty gods of suck 'Fagex' to steal and rape little kids souls so they can never have a life..

Fagex: hey little kiddie come play with me..
Kiddie: YAY!!!
*plays RS*
Kiddie: must.. play.. runescape...

by Xavier Valentine September 15, 2006

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A free Java MMORPG which is more addicting than pornography, has more propoganda than the streets of Arab countries, more suicides than the frat houses at Umass when the Red Sox lose the World Series, swarming ass hole 12 year olds than Xbox Live, unemployed 50 year old men who live in their parents basement hoping to get attention by molesting the swarming ass hole 12 year olds and playing Playboy: The Mansion all day.
The developers of RuneScape is a company, JaGeX. They have sub-par chat filters in their game and could care less about the world's youth wasting their lives watching their virtual avatar mining a rock for coal. In fact, this is what they want. By hoping to increase these odds, they have a "premium" version of the game.

I have already wasted four years of my life playing RuneScape. I want them back. I should have played with my dog while I had the chance.

by prof. frink July 10, 2006

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Dear god. I just read 15 pages of "definitions" and I'm utterly shocked. 99/100 people are being haters. Runescape isn't a black hole that will butt rape your soul into oblivion. It's something you play when you are bored.

To the losers who actually have grades drop from it, you are pathetic. I find no addictive quality in it, whatsoever, unless you are some crackhead or just plain lonely.

Not everyone goes around saying: Fr33 st00f pl0x :D

It's something that kills time faster then nearly anything except for Xboxlive (which still freaks me out the time warp in that shit, seriously...) I know quite a few people who play, and I'm in highschool. Not a SINGLE ONE has had a grade drop or lost any friends.

I log on to merchant an item or two, check on my kingdom, and occasionally do a holiday or limited event. Every now and again, like a weekend or vacation where nobody is home, I go on for maybe 2-3 hours to wait for people on Live

Addictive? One time I quit just to see how long I could take it. Wasn't hard at all. Give the game a shot, and if you already are the ignorant assholes you seem to be, your grades won't change for shit. But if your just the normal go with the flow stereotype, go for it. It's a nice way to kill time, not kill friends.

Runescape- a decent enough mmorpg with a failing community, but all in all a nice way to kill time or relieve boredom. Give it a shot, skeptics.

by youknowyouwant2 January 13, 2010

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A very addicting game, this game sucks so much nuts but once you play it you can never stop. You will be on 24/7 wasting your life on this game getting your levels up so you can wear some gay fucking armor. Once you start playing there is no way to quit unless you get banned then you might be able to. My advice is to not ever try playing this game, you will be addicted for life. DONT EVEN START PLAYING IT

Jeff: Yo Bill you want to come to my house after school and play some basketball?

Bill: No I have to get my guys level up in runescape

Jeff: u still play that gay game

Bill: yes

Jeff: no wonder u havent had a girl in ur life and u already a junior in high school

Bill: shut the fuck up i hate u i will own u in wildy

( the next day )

Bill: fucking hell someone hacked my account im gonna go kill myself now because my life has already been taken away from me anyways.

by blackanese21 August 26, 2007

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Too many people grow too addicted to this game It chews things up and spits 'em out. Every account that starts will one day be banned, and many people have gotten banned accounts, some people are so obsessed that they cry about it, others say, "Oh, well, it was getting boring anyways..." But that's usually not the case. Everyone I know who has gotten addicted to runescape lost friends and other things because of this wretched game, I give great advice to all who play runescape, STOP PLAYING IT!!!! Parents don't even know what they're kids are saying and learning on there...

Kid gets home from school, sneaks upstairs to play runescape. Mom calls for dinner.
Mom: Dinner!
Kid: Mom, let me finish this up on runescape!
Mom: O.K. Five more minutes!
Kid writes on runescape: My mom is a living devil, I g2g soon, For, "dinner"
Long time later
Mom: I said it's dinner time
Kid: Mom, i'm almost done
Mom comes up and turns off computer
Kid: Mom, i hate you and im never looking or talking or listening to you again!!!!!!

End of Story...

by C Low September 23, 2006

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Runescape is a very addictive MMORPG, or Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game. It has become quite popular and has millions of players that play each day. HOWEVER, be smart - don't start.

I used to be addicted, got to level 90-something, played for about 4-5 years and then just stopped. I wasted so much time. Don't start playing unless you want to have NO social life at all. Play a FPS instead like Counter Strike or America's Army or something, because they're not as addictive.

Kid1: Hey let's hang out!
Kid2: Nah i'm trying to get my mining to level 60. I need to mine 4000 more coal until I level. Then I can get in the mining guild!!!!
Kid1: Whatever loser.
Kid2: Please come back! It's not my fault i'm addicted!
-no answer-
Kid2: Ok, I quit runescape!
-6 months pass and Kid2 has all kinds of friends-
I'm so glad I quit runescape!

Based on a true story! xDDDD

by Post-addicted RS player June 7, 2007

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