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a chaotic mixture between a scene kid and a hipster. This is typically shown with the stereotypical scene hair cuts (short to medium length and brightly colored for females, and medium to long and typically black for males) and hipster styled clothing. This is usually leggings, large shirts, and slip on shoes. A scenester will believe that they were original in their style and did this far before any one else and, and before "scene" and "hipster" became mainstream.

scene hipster scenester

by Original Panda January 16, 2012


Scenesters scene,scene kids are people that follow the latest cool thing to be. At the moment the scene is emo. You can tell a scenester from an emo kid from how they dress and how they talk

Speech - OMGZ!!1

Girls Fashion:-
Tight Trousers
Cheap Pumps
Dyed Black hair cut straight across the eye brow
Footless tights

Boys Fashion:-
Tight Trousers
All black converse
Dyed black hair swept across the face(sometimes with a blonde streak)


Are you gay? No I'm just scene

by Phill McRackin July 18, 2005

253๐Ÿ‘ 221๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. Person prescribing to scene. Wear rainbow sparkly glam clown make-up and clothes. Have MySpaces comprising of 1,000+ friends, generated due to their numerous nudes, despite the fact almost all of them are underage. Believe they are "original" and "unique," but what's so original about prescribing to a certain style?

2. Many people mistakenly believe scenesters listen to indie, but this is not true. They listen to mainstream crap that they'd like to believe is "different" or "rebellious;" this includes a lot of screamo and "pop punk."

3. Ew.

Random person: ...

by ThenameIwantedwasalreadytaken November 29, 2009

42๐Ÿ‘ 33๐Ÿ‘Ž


A scenster is practiaclly anybody
thse days. It's almost impossible
not to be scene. Most people say
scenesters are just vain fucks
that failed at being emo, which
isn't true. It's just a fashion;
NOT a personality.

Just because I myself wear
tight jeans, & band shirts, everybody
labels me as scene, or an emo kid.

Seriously, go fuck yourself, quit
stereo-typing everything & following
the trend of hating so called "scene kids"
It doesn't make you cool; your just as
bad as us "scene kids" & following
other trends. :D

Kid: *Walking down the street in tight jeans*

Fuck-tard: *Person who looks EXACTLEY the same* FUCKING SCENESTER!"

Who the hell does that?
You probably dress the
same way everybody else does.

by ihateyourmother July 31, 2006

63๐Ÿ‘ 70๐Ÿ‘Ž


A scenester is someone who does their hair in some pretty cool ways, dresses in tight clothes, and participates in the local music scene, either by being in a band, supporting a band, or going to local shows a lot. They have respect for others and tend to be really nice people, as opposed to scene kids, who just try their hardest to be amazing, but inevitably fail.

"Hey guys! Let's gather up the other scenesters and head over to that local band's show tomorrow night! I love seeing a good show." "Yeah, but... Hopefully no scene kids will be there..."

by dstryr/dstryr April 2, 2010

15๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž


stupid kids (generally indy types or emo children) who hang around in what they percieve to be cool hang outs, normally underage, and who claim to have been into the music and the whole actual life forever when really they got it from the NME last week.

I fucking hate scenesters
Look at those scenesters arent they too young to be here?
Why do scenesters have to pretend to be so cool?

Kid: Ive been into indy way longer than you!

Possibly me: Whats your faviourite band atm?

Kid: Kooks.

Me: Enough said.

by wb big dave September 17, 2006

163๐Ÿ‘ 226๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person, usually part of a group, or a person who - more importantly - WANTS to be part of a group who defines there inner character by their outer appearence. Subsequently creating a paradox and consequent void in their personality.

Most scenesters model themselves on a certain stereotypical person from a certain window in popular culture for example 'Mods', 'Punks', 'Hardcore', 'Beatniks', 'New Ravers' etc. Most scenesters base themselves on band members from their selected type of music. Despite 'Indie Rockers' being the classical 'scenester' in Britain 'Mods' seem to be taking over.

The true problem of scenster behaviour is that it is throughly based in the superficial. Scenesters only hang around with equally scene people and rate ,compliment and base their friendships on how good (or mostly ridiculous) each other look. The weirder and more original the better. 'Original' here however refers to something you have seen on another and copied whilst avoiding others discovering what idea you stole.

A few popular 'Original' looks include:

* Blunt Fringes
* American Apparel Clothing
* Red lipstick on Women
* Skinny Jeans on Men
* Vintage Clothing worn simultaneously resulting in Time Warp appearence
* Woody Allen glasses
* Berets
* Charity shopping items
* Being Heroin Chic skinny

Some non Mod scensterisms

* Shiny Leggings
* Florescent T-shirts from the 80's
* Androgyny
* Fake Bling
* As many clashing patterns and colours as you can get away with.

Personally my favourite aspect of the scenester is the vocabulary which tends to be stunted and abbreviated beyond apprehension. A smart scenester will make their own code words so that they can be totally 'original'

Popular scenesterisms include

*The sex
*Uber ( + anything i.e. Ubercool, Uberhot, Uberfun )
* Le (the french word) before an English Noun.
* J'adore (again stolen from the french)

'Oh my god, did you get that from AA? It's Uberhot. I was going to get a scoop but I J'adore the high necks. I'm not a scenester though...'
'Your clothes are hurting my eyes.'

'He's so horrible, he touched my hand when I handed him le money'
'But hes only a cashier'

by Tonka Miller August 22, 2008

14๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž