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Sighted people

Non-blind people.

Term used by blind people to describe those who can see. (hearing people = non-deaf)

"Did you know that sighted people read braille with their eyes!?"

"I'm sick of sighted people thinking I'm stupid. Not all disabilities are cognative!"

"Do you ever forget that everyone else is sighted for a moment?"

by Blind guy Mac Squeezy November 5, 2017

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reflex sight

A type of sight used on weapons that features a small, clear, screen (Usually about 2" x 2") with a holographic projection of a red dot or red cross, most comonly made by the company eotech. Reflex Sights usually mount on RIS rails, and assist in target acquisition in close combat situations.

The Ranger's Reflex sight allowed him to get a faster yet accurate shot across on the terrorist who was using an old fashioned Ironsight.

by HKGunner April 24, 2006

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second sight

an underated action game that has an amazing plot, but is a little too short.

Me:im having a lot of fun playing second sight! i can use awesome physcic powers on my enemies!

by r2d2's bad hair day July 27, 2006

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Shoot on sight

To use a firearm on something or someone that is either dangerous or an individual to watch out for.

Gangster 1: You see this man? If you see him, Shoot on sight. No exceptions or moral dilemmas.
Gangster 2: Got it boss.

by Baconator8071 September 21, 2022

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Deck on sight

To hit someone as soon as you see them, usually with someone youre plannin to fight .

Katie: You heard bout Alexis talkin shit bout you ?

Courtney: Yes, I already told her I was gonna deck on sight .

Maddie: Did you see Farrah knock out Sarah earlier ?

Savannah: Yes, It was a deck on sight .

by YasminMayhemBitch October 27, 2012

semen sight

When semen { from another's or yours penis} shoots into your eye causing the affected area to turn pink for a minimum of 5 days

Chase: hey angel
Angel: yeah?
Chase: me and christian were Netflix and chilling and he gave me semen sight
Angel: You're a faggot, you know that chase?
Chase: yeah....

by Yung.k.i. d October 22, 2015

fists on sight

im throwing fists as soon as i see you

"Jesse ganked my crack rock! Tell him when I see him its fists on sight!

by bingbongdaddy March 16, 2018