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Triple Skitch

While you hang onto the side of a moving vehicle with a bike or skateboard and let it pull you, another person hangs onto you, and another hangs onto them. Kinda like an orgy on wheels.

"yoooo them dudes triple skitched all the way from Bleecker to Canal Street."

by 909 Mafia November 13, 2017

bee boppin skitch

A trick ass sucka ass hoe ass dick suckin ass KY jelly packin ass bitch that a suck ya dick in a heart beat

Son i herd that gurl Veronica is a bee boppin skitch

by Reg A.K.A Juice April 21, 2005

15πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž


Itching your scalp.

β€œHey what are you doing?”
β€œI’m skitching!”

by Skitching January 21, 2022


A skank ass hoes thats a bitch who be sucking dick all the fucking time

hey wassup you dumb ass skitch

by golaa January 5, 2016


A 'skanky bitch'. A skitch has had sex with nearly all the guys in school, and she's hella rude.

"Ugh! She's such a skitch! She banged my boyfriend and then calls me a slut!"

by Do she got a booty? She dooooo April 26, 2014


A potentially contagious skin condition, where the afflicted person subconsciously scratches the facial and neck areas, thus leaving flush/red lines, also known as "skitch marks".

Skitch sufferers are rarely aware of problem until others near them point it out. Outbreaks are known to occur during family gatherings and dinners. Some skitch sufferers have been known to draw blood.

There is currently no known cure for the skitches. A research team of dermatologists are currently working for a possible vaccine, however for the time being, afflicted patients are advised to keep their nails short to prevent dreaded "skitch marks" or "skitchdaddles".

"Check out that girl, she's got skitch marks all over her face!"

"Stay away from her, she's got a bad case of the skitches!"

by YanYanSt.Ma December 14, 2008


The combination of the terms β€œski” and β€œhitch” (as in hitchhike), one or more people grabbing the bumper of a car or truck to shoe/boot ski through the neighborhood, when there is at least 3” of cold snow on the ground.

A good Skitch depends upon teamwork, as everybody needs to be aware of an oncoming steam-pipe-melted manhole cover.

by RayRayBeLove2020 July 26, 2021