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Corona Spouse

That person with whom you’ve chosen to self-quarantine, and with whom Sex eventually came into the equation, even though you hadn't previously co-habitated, had no official commitment, and towards whom you may or may not have harbored an antepandemic crush. It may be an old flame, an ex-husband or wife, a colleague or simply a friend, but for some unexplainable reason your hidden Self chose that person as your shelter-in-residence mate.

Amanda took Chris as her Corona Spouse to stave off boredom and find some normalcy during the pandemic.

by BigBunnie March 24, 2020

Spouse bath

When you’ve had sex with your significant other (spouse) and you’re reeeal sweaty, then licks you clean.

Last night me and Aaron got a bit jiggly, I was so sweaty so he licked me clean, he gave me a spouse bath

by Alcoholly & chicken feet December 31, 2021

SNARL Spouse Syndrome

This term is used to describe a spouse or significant other who claims to have boarded the "anti-fostering train", but is then often caught loving on and sneaking snuggles with the SNARL foster.

My husband has SNARL Spouse Syndrome when it comes to fostering more animals.

by SNARLLV February 27, 2022