Source Code

6 steppin

goin crazy, like a buffalo

Yo that boy be 6steppin!

by niggs to the M ax January 29, 2003

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steppin outside of your body

Out of line. when you say something to someone you have no business saying.

" Man dude steppin outside of his body"

by MS. thicknsexi February 19, 2005

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I smell what you're steppin' in

to express your understanding for another person's thoughts.

Dude #1: I feel bad saying this, but Tim's sister is a total skank.

Dude #2: Yeah, I smell what you're steppin' in. I can't get rid of this aweful rash.

Dude #3: Yeah...wait. WHAT?!

by Sam Polk April 8, 2007

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You smell what I'm steppin in?

This phrase asks the other person if they understand what you are saying or what you mean. It's great because it catches others off gaurd.

Man, that girl is hot! You smell what I'm steppin in, Mike?

by Jester November 24, 2004

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I smell what your steppin' in

understanding what someone else is saying

Joe: "Man that girl is fine. You know what I'm saying?"
Bob: Yeah I smell what your steppin' in Joe"

by christinabeena February 10, 2008

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ya smell what im steppin in

do you understand what im saying

first you put your car in nuetral, then you open the doors,then you open all the doors and hop out, then you......ya smell what im steppin in???

by dinga September 12, 2006

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I smell what you're steppin in

I understand, I get you

"That test was really hard" - Victoria
"I smell what you're steppin in" - Kelly

by KellyIvoneShelly December 10, 2011

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