it is the famous words spoken by ninja he does want YOUR babys sucking on him
it will involve him saying i want your babys sucking on me as he asks you to send him your dick picks as he commits cock and ball torture
7đź‘Ť 1đź‘Ž
To give a guy oral sex
To desire to give a guy oral sex
To place your mouth on a guy's genital area
Him: Wassup what you tryna do
Me: (texts) let me suck yo dick
4đź‘Ť 1đź‘Ž
when someone is being a bitch so you say Suck Me
billy:i hate you
josh:suck me then
It means like in a form of someone hating on you. Instead of saying someone is hating on you, you can say they’re sucking you.
“Keep sucking me.”
“Oh they’re talking shit about you.
It’s fine they’re just sucking me.”
An act of sabotage brought about due to long term acts of asshattery. Particularly acts of disrespect, thievery, and lying to one's own family... despite their continued love and compassion.
1. Until you rectify the situation by both apologizing to all relevant parties, and come forward with an honest admission of wrongdoing you might have some trouble with the "suck me? VIRUS"...
2. Anyone willing to blatantly disregard my feelings and lie straight to my face gets no sympathy from me... behold the wrath of "suck me? VIRUS"