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Tarantino Word

The “Tarantino Word” is another name for the N-Word. It is attributed to Tarantino for his frequent depiction in his filmography.

“She said the Tarantino Word with a hard R.”

by Anonymous1408 February 19, 2022


A sexy photograph or flirty message involving feet sent with the intent of causing others to reveal their barefoot enthusiasm.

I sent her a Tarantino-trap to get her drawn to my paws.

by onlyfeetforAly June 12, 2022


slang word for an idiotic person or a rude person.

hey! get over here you fucking Tarantino!

by kenziedelisle October 12, 2017


To insert your sexual fetishs into a creative project thinking you have cleverly hidden it and no one will notice when in actuality, you did not.

Guy 1: "So I've noticed you included a really strange unnecessary scene in your screenplay where the main character gets pegged by a hoard of women in clown make up with their barefeet out."
Guy 2: "Yeah what about it?"
Guy 1: "Did you Tarantino that in?"
Guy 2: "Maybe."

by SlappStikk August 5, 2024


noun: the urge to have long intense dialog with others followed with an explosive episode of violence.

I got into an argument with that white supremacist from Kansas City the other day about how his ideology was assinine. He must have been so distraught over our conversation that he apparently developed tarantinoism and went out a shot up a Jewish Senior Center

by GipperX2 April 15, 2014