An unimaginable level of beauty that surpasses the know term ‘beautiful’
Have you seen Hallie, she’s so unbelievably beautiful, matter fact shes past that.. she’s Hallieful!
An extreme level of beauty that’s even greater than the term beautiful.
Hallie has beauty that goes beyond this world. She’s not just beautiful.. she’s halliefull!
wow look at that hallie downs over there, i bet shes fucked like 10000 guys
nah nigga just say whore
When you mispel happy and get left with a name from the 1970s.
No way Amelia just said "Hally Bday". I'm dead.
The girl I love, shes pretty, funny, cute, sweet, loving; I could name a thousand more things I love about her, but the thing about her I love the most is that, she loves me too, she wont see this unless I tell her to search her own name on here though haha
Me: I love you Hally.
big batty ting hella thicccccccc thicker than maura acc sexy my girl
"hallie dennis with booty is my ting" hallie means sexy hop in my bed