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Cafe Couple

A couple, or two dating homosapians, that are often seen at a coffee shop; wear scarves, peacoats, university jackets, and flannels.

Usually very attractive and considered cuter than any other couple.

Those two there, at the table, they are the cutest couple ive seen today.

Oh, I agree. They are obviously a cafe couple.

Cafe Couple?

Mhmm, only the best.

by Sirus The Fascinated February 3, 2009

6👍 2👎

Cafe Metrios

This is Greek coffee enjoyed by many Greeks around the world and which is not served in many locations. It is exclusively served in authentic Greek Cafes(Coffee House).

Hey buddy, give me one cafe metrios.

What do you mean you have no cafe metrios?

Isn't this Star Mitso's Cafe, a Greek coffee house, in which they should serve cafe metrios?

by The Real Greekster April 20, 2004

12👍 4👎

Cyber Cafe

Synonymous with internet cafe; a place that serves coffee, drinks and has terminals and internet connections to rent by the hour.

The cyber café where Mark tended to end up, evening after evening, served a mediocre Napa white and superb T1 internet access. Mark had a laptop and a dial-up connection in his apartment, but he preferred the faster online connection and the false sense of camaraderie at the café. In truth, no one ever spoke to anyone else there--even the barrista made the drinks in church-like silence. Each patron sipped at his computer booth, lost in a cyberworld of their own creation.

There was a bright new banner, announcing an online dating service. “30 Days, Guaranteed or Your Money Back!” it boasted. What the hell, thought Mark, who was an optimist despite some notable dating disasters in the past. There was that gal from Medway, the one with the three cats and the bad case of…Mark shuddered and tried to wipe that image out of his mind. What the hell, thought Mark, and signed on.

Night after night, he faced a woman across a table, and night after night the same thoughts were exchanged: He’s better than I thought. She’s worse than I imagined. I could manage him, if he’d get a better job. Why can’t there be a woman who’s smart and doesn’t look and smell like exactly a pit bull, thought Mark. There has to be one. Somewhere.

Then he met Belkis. “I changed my name from Magda, “ she confided. Magda, he thought, is a pretty exotic name already. What about Magda needed changing? He didn’t ask.

Belkis was smart, all right, and beautiful, in a dark and somewhat masculinely sinister way. Her figure was taut, her brows somewhat low, and her teeth looked white, but sharp. She wore red lipstick that left a mark on the espresso cups like a vampire bite.

Starting over wasn’t so bad, Mark thought. He didn't like his old job, his cramped apartment or that town anyway. Changing your identity could even be exciting, if you looked at it in the right light. He hadn’t heard from Belkis or her lawyers in over a month. Too bad he forgot to change his cell phone number. Belkis was a patient woman.

by Luigi August 8, 2004

39👍 20👎

jazz cafe

to take someone to When a man releases he semen onto a girls facial area. "Jazz" coming from "jizz" and "cafe" coming from "eat," the new combination is "Jazz Cafe." Made popular by the Covino and Rich Show on Maxim Radio on Sirius Satellite Radio.

"She's HOT! U should take her to the Jazz Cafe." OR "Yeah she gave me dome and I took her to the Jazz Cafe."

by TommyBoyTheTrain April 26, 2006

47👍 27👎

frappe cafe

a infamous roblox cafe that sucks ass, and is fucking stupid and dumb.

hey did you go to frappe cafe on roblox yesterday? their staff are absolute bullshit!

by jaycat plays June 30, 2020

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umbrella cafe

a hotdog stand or cart.

"Let's take the new intern out for lunch, somewhere real fancy like the umbrella cafe, for a tube steak."

by RJDeMarx January 26, 2007

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Cafe Virus

A virus that aesthetic cafe workers in roblox or roblox cafe MR+ have when they have the following "symptoms"

Have worn antlers in the last month
Have said "I-" or "oop" or "." in the last few days
Have worn any crop-tops or some other 5 robux clothing from a clothing group

If they answered one of these questions truly, they have mild level.
If they answered 2 truly, they have a moderate level
If they answered all of them truly, they have full cafe virus symptoms and should be stayed away from. (always wear a noob skin)

non-aesthetic roblox person: hello sir/ma'am i have a few questions for you
cafe worker: Hello! Welcome to Frappe! Can I get you anything?

non-aesthetic roblox person: can I ask you a few questions
(cafe worker answers questions 3/3)
non-aesthetic roblox person: im sorry to say that you have cafe virus (sounds alarm)

by DoctorDucky59 July 18, 2020

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