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Rusty Throne

During sexual intercourse, giving a woman who has not wiped her ass in a few days a reverse cowgirl.

God, my dick still has crap on it from that Rusty Throne
I like Rusty Throne's

by K. Lintock. January 23, 2010

Throne call

(n) To make a cellphone call from a bathroom or toilet stall, usually to save time.

"I was rushed at work, so I made a quick throne call to Jeff while I was doing my business."

by jc2 May 13, 2008

Game of Thrones

In a public bathroom setting, choosing the next stall because the "throne" of the one you just opened the door to is just way too gruesome to even contemplate using.

In a crowded airport, someone's always going to lose the Game of Thrones.

by Ae5Ea8 February 15, 2015

130๐Ÿ‘ 53๐Ÿ‘Ž

phone throned

When someones calls you while they are on the toilet. Using the facilities while talking.

Gross! That guy at the club last night phone throned me this morning. I heard the whole symphony he played.

by Jamie AKA The Hussy Housewife January 16, 2009

24๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Dick Throne

When a gentlemen provides a back rest to a female riding dick, by using his legs, creating a throne that you won't want to stand up from.

Cindy: Have you sat on Jack's dick throne yet?
Jane: Of course, I'll never turn down a dick throne!

by Mike E.D. March 4, 2009

15๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Game of Thrones

A show that uses gore and boobs to trick non-nerds/non-geeks into liking fantasy.

Jock in 2000: EWWWWW, you're talking about dragons and ice zombies? What a dweeb.

Geek: Oh-kay.

by Haxorino February 24, 2019

8๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

frozen throne

1. When you wake up to go take a shit in the middle of winter, and the toilet seat is so fucking cold it shocks you into unpleasant alertness.
2. The expansion pack for Warcraft III. Notice how they didn't balance the original game until the expansion was practically upon us.

"Dude chill out, buy TFT and make Spellbreakers."

by Anonymous June 24, 2003

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