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The Greatest Love Story Ever Told

The story of a man afraid of flying, and an angel afraid of falling, who somehow met in the middle. The man who denied the existence of angels came to love one. The angel who never felt began to feel. The man who was saved from an eternity in Hell by an angel. The angel who fell in every way imaginable for a man. The man, with a clear path to escape, decided instead to stay in Purgatory for a year, searching for his angel, praying to him every night. Begging. When he found him, he held him; he told him that he needed him, that he'd get him out, even if it killed them both. The angel rejected his faith, his family, his home, and everything he knew, so he could keep the man safe. They stay together despite fate, despite what they are, because they refuse to be pulled apart.

We're family. We need you. I need you.
I'm hunted, I rebelled, and I did it, all of it, for you.
"People aren't exaggerating when they call Destiel the greatest love story ever told."

by Samchester April 12, 2013

6055πŸ‘ 148πŸ‘Ž

Who told you to put the balm on?

A response to someone who does something that undermines a perfectly devious strategy, taken from the words of Jackie Childs from Seinfeld when Kramer put balm on his thighs which cured the burns from a hot cup of coffee, thus thwarting their strategy to sue for permanent disfigurement.

I set up a fake meeting in my calendar so I wouldn't have to go to the staff meeting, then you screwed it up by suggesting we push the staff meeting back an hour. Who told you to put the balm on?

by RJPSYR September 1, 2009

i told the moon about you.

if she says this, she’s yours. have you heard talking to the moon by bruno mars? listen to it. she loves you.

β€œshe said β€˜i told the moon about you.’ what does that even mean?” β€œyou idiot. she loves you. go get her.”

by shelovesyou51855 March 17, 2021

56πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

I told you I was hardcore

The last words typed by Brandon Veda, a young man who committed suicide by drug and medication overdose, live on webcam while he conversed with people on IRC who encouraged him.

If you OD on drugs while on IRC with people who didn't think you'd do it, say "I told you I was hardcore" to prove your toughness. Then die.

by andrew October 2, 2005

411πŸ‘ 66πŸ‘Ž

I told u I was hardcore

Some guy into the internet and doing drugs decided to overdose while on an internet chat and webcam.

"i told u i was hardcore" were among his last words.

by buryme September 5, 2003

168πŸ‘ 44πŸ‘Ž

I told you I was hardcore

"I told you I was hardcore" was one of the last things an irc user by the name of Ripper said before he overdosed. He was webcamming this whole event, including the injestion of multiple drugs, and the foaming at the mouth that sealed the deal. Ripper should never be forgotten. Not for the person that he was, but for the person he wanted to be, and failed to be. There is a great moral in what Ripper did infront of an irc channel that the majority of the people did not give two shits about him while the entire event, right in front of their eyes, unvaled.

ripper: I told you I was hardcore
grphish: ripper: we knew that already
ripper: fuck u
ripper: pusys
ripper: u are so fucking stupid
(dies shortly later)

by Mike Chase September 16, 2005

95πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž

ask no questions and you'll be told no lies

It is a quote by Charles Dickens that is used to reply to a question with an answer best kept untold.
The quote has been shortened to "ask no questions hear no lies" in modern use by people who do not know the origin of the quote.

Professor: How far along are you with that assignment, Peter?
Peter: Ask no questions and you'll be told no lies, Professor.
Professor: Ah, Charles Dickens. Alright then, we'll just forget about the assignment for now. I will not accept any work given to me after the hand-in date, remember that.

by stevie the illiterate March 16, 2017

21πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž