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typical Jimmy

Whenever something bad happens in a baseball video game it is a typical Jimmy, it is the opposite of a typical Kenny.

I threw to second when I should have thrown home and now the other team is winning what a typical Jimmy!

by JHHWILD July 24, 2004

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Typical Urbandictionary Definition

When someone, most likely a prepubescent 13 year old, writes a sex definition for something which has nothing to do with the word you looked up.

Theoretical example - I look up forum troll, because i've seen it used extensively on forums, and never understood what it meant. One of the definitions will most likely be something like this -

"While ur fucking ur girl from behind in teh dark, u put a dildo instead of ur dick in her hole, u then grab a cardboard box full of troll dolls and begin throwing them at her, all the while yelling ATTACK OF TEH FORUM TROLLS!!!"

A typical urbandictionary definition deserves deletion, it contributes nothing to the viewer's knowledge, and only serves to prove how idiotic the poster is.

see roflcopter I think its about the 6th definition down. That is a prime example of a typical urbandictionary definition.

by Cowboy_z71 February 26, 2010

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typical adventuring team

the stereotypes most groups fall into

Consists of a investigator, public relations, negotiator, tech guy, and power house

most everyone knows Shawn runs a typical adventuring team

by Spaz De Kat December 8, 2009

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The Typical Grace Syndrome

The Typical Grace Syndrome is when you are so invested in anything else but reading chat, that when you check again you only read half of it or just read it completely wrong.

"did she even read the message?" no only half thats the Typical Grace Syndrome

by JustALoneGinger May 8, 2021

typical wall bang

1. The Rocket League phrase describing a goal scored by striking the ball off the wall or by jumping from the wall.

2. An FPS phrase used to describe any kill obtained by interacting with a wall.

**Both definitions are often followed by the exclamation β€œget squeezed on” due to its badassery

P1: How’d you score that goal off the wall?
P2: Yo it’s just a typical wall bang
P1: Get squeezed on

P1: Did you kill that guy by shooting through the wall?
P2: Yo it’s just a TWB
P5: Get squeezed on

by stottytwb April 30, 2019

Double Typical Chazz

Similar to typical Chazz, double typical Chazz describes a bro who is: tight, chill, and in some cases mega chill. Double typical Chazz takes being tight to a whole new level of chill.

Friend 1: Typical Chazz!
Friend 2: Typical Chazz!
Group: Double typical Chazz!

by MicrowaveChill January 6, 2011

Typical white girl


Let's just say that if you get between her and the nearest Starbucks on the day the Pumpkin Spice Latte comes back, you're in deep shit. Gets pissed off when the Starbucks workers spell her name (usually something like Claire, Molly, Madeline, Katelyn, etc.) wrong. "You fricking spelled my name wrong. UGH!!!" Also obsesses over Nutella, and Panera. Her Iphone is like a pet to her, and she always makes sure to get the newest Apple updates. "I feel so old! I have the Iphone 8, when I could have the Iphone 8s. Has like 14 phone cases. "Will my little baby prefer zebra or leopard print today?" Loves Snapchat, and likes to post multiple Starbucks pictures from her Iphone Camera on Snapchat, or Instagram. Posts her failed attempts at twerking online also, with the hashtags- twerk, bootay, selfie, loveurself, idgaf, idc, urwhour. Can be found wearing shirts from either PINK, Vineyard Vines, or Simply Southern, as well as leggings, or skinny jeans. From October 1st to March 31, is never found without a pair of Uggs. Goes to the bathroom with 10 people, and just sits in there for 15 minutes gossiping. Most white girls use like in between like every like word they like say like yeah. Get very defensive of their typical white girl habits.

Wow man, that girl over there is totally a typical white girl, Starbucks and everything.

by LightSkiier September 23, 2015

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