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Temporary alliances in pursuit of mutual goals.

Me and some friends just scored a big money contract. After its done I'm dumping those chumps.

by Joe Iron November 9, 2007

236๐Ÿ‘ 82๐Ÿ‘Ž

as a friend

what a woman tells she likes you as when she is really saying "no fucking way".

"I like you as a friend though..." - Man being shot down by good looking woman.

by JR May 28, 2004

17๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


A real friend is someone who:

a)it's okay to fart in front of.

b)you don't mind talking to on the bus for atleast 20 minutes.

c)can borrow $5 and never has to pay it back

d)you'll actually call up do stuff.

Bob: "Hey Jim, you wanna go see a show downtown"
Jim: "Sorry man, I'm broke, and how are we gonna get there."
Bob: "No problem, I'll lend you the 5 bucks and we'll take the bus."
Jim: "Yeah, okay" (loud farting sound)
Bob: "Whoah! That was a good one!

Bob and Jim are friends.

by Jimbo December 14, 2004

3303๐Ÿ‘ 1388๐Ÿ‘Ž

A Friend

the one who helps you bury the body

*police finds out*
"yo, man..it was my friend!"

by cathy June 13, 2003

88๐Ÿ‘ 30๐Ÿ‘Ž


Real friends: People you been through some shit with.

Fake Friends: People who use you, and for some reason you like it. People on your facebook/myspace page. People you know, but haven't been through some painful shit with.

Don't try to make friends, you'll look like a dumbass. Just stay cool, make money, and life will handle the rest.

by train rider August 13, 2008

88๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž


I'm not really sure how to describe this... friends are people that you trust with your intermost feelings. The type of people that you know won't betray you by telling your secrets. The kind of people that are always there for you, or at least always available to talk to you over the phone when your sad. Friends could even be just the people that you talk to casually, but not emotionaly. Although these are not "true friends" they are friends just the same... supposedly

Truth is these type of people don't actually exist.. Maybe in a perfect world, but this one is far from it. In this world every single last person is the same, they don't care about anything but themselves. Friends are just temporary tools that they have around to make their pathetiv lives easier. Nobody really cares about your problems, it's all an act. People know that if they act carring, they can control that person to benefit from, nothing more. No matter how much you may "trust " and even "care" about a certain individual, when your use is no longer needed, you'll just be discarded like an empty bottle...

by Xero _ Manifest January 22, 2011

166๐Ÿ‘ 60๐Ÿ‘Ž


Verb, preterite of "to friend."

Related to facebook; the action of adding another student as a friend. You click a button, "requesting" that the other person will allow you to add them as a friend. They will receive your request and can either accept or deny it.

You can deny any friend request, and the other person will not be told you rejected them; however, you will not appear on their friend list. This will lead to their repeated attempts to "friend' you. In the end, it's easier just to confirm the darn request.

Despite the appearance and similar meaning, not a shortened form the word befriended.

Dude, I friended this really hot chick last night.

Hey...why won't you let me friend you?

by Lady Chevalier May 3, 2005

59๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž